Chapter 21
“Everything looks good,” the doctor says, his eyes flicking nervously between my five guys. They haven’t left my side since the moment they found me.
“Are you sure?” Link asks, glaring the poor man down. “She’s fine? The baby is fine? Because I swear to god, if we leave here and something happens to them–”
“Link.” I reach up, grabbing his hand. “He said we’re okay.” I give him a tired smile.
“They are. All the tests have come back perfect.” The doctor tries to smile. “We’ve done a full body exam and have done all the tests we could think of, per your request.”
Link wasn’t playing it safe when it came to the two of us, and I love him for it.
After we left the house of horrors, Link carefully drove us to Hallow Knights. Apparently, it’s the town Travis and Taylor’s brother runs. Their fucking brother! I’ll be sure to ream them real fucking good for keeping that shit from me later.
There was a hospital closer to where we were being held, but Link didn't want to risk that mafia guy finding us and coming after what he thought he's owed.
I asked Link if he thinks this Boris guy is going to be an issue, but he doesn’t think so. According to Titus’ inside man, he was coming to talk business and no money had been exchanged yet. Thank fuck because I’m really sick and tired of being sold without my damn permission.
Plus, I already have five guys who own me. I’m taken.
“Good,” Link grunts. “Are we free to leave?”
"I'd like to keep her overnight. She's been through a rough time." He smiles over at me. "An unexpected home birth. That must have been stressful."
We may have lied and told them that we had her at home. I mean, it’s not really a lie, we did have her at a house... just not mine.
I still can't fucking believe that's how I gave birth. I've been thinking for months, wondering how it would happen, where I'd be when I went into labour, and how the guys would react. Would they be excited or nervous, would someone faint or freak out?
I feel like I’ve been robbed of a special experience. But all that matters is that Baby Bird is safe and in my arms.
I smile down at my sweet daughter. She’s all cleaned up now, dressed in a cute little pink sleeper. My thumb brushes over her chubby cheeks as she sucks away, having a little snack as she soothes herself back to sleep.
She’s perfect, and I’m so madly in love with her. And so are her daddies.
The doctor leaves us.
“Andy should be here with Andrew soon,” Quinton says, brushing hair off my forehead.
“Thank god.” Tears fill my eyes. “I miss him so much.”
“I know, Chiaro di luna. We know you can’t go another day without him. It’s why we are having her bring him down.”
“I hope he’s okay. It will be his first long car ride.” I worry.
“The moms are coming down with them. He will be fine,” Travis reassures. He’s standing at the end of the bed, his hand resting on my foot. He feels guilty, and I hate it.
“Travis.” I smile. “Please stop looking at me like that. I don’t blame you.”
“It’s kind of hard not to, Dove.” He gives me a sad smile.
I hold up a hand as he tries to continue. “Nope. We’ve agreed not to fixate on this. Move forward, positive vibes only,” I try to joke, but the poor man still looks wrecked. “Now come cuddle with me and our daughter.”
“Hey,” Hunter pouts. “I want cuddles too.”
I smile, rolling my eyes. “You can be next.”
“Yes!” He fist pumps, making me laugh.