Chapter 19
When I got back to my room, Dynika wasn’t there. I’ve been pacing since, riddled with anxiety and fear about where she could be, if she’s okay, and what that fucking asshole said.
His stupid goon shoved me through the door and locked it behind him, leaving me feeling true fear for the first time since I'd gotten here.
I’ve been depending on the fact that my guys would be coming to get me and that my dad clearly wanted me alive and unharmed.
I didn’t fucking think he would work on getting rid of me so fast, though. And I certainly didn’t think it would be to some fucking Russian mobster.
That's what this was, this whole time, a hit to his ego. He didn’t hate me because I was a girl, he despised me because my mother outsmarted him, and that pissed him off. This whole fucking time he just wanted me back to get back at my mother while also letting me know he had the power to ruin my life.
"No!" I scream, grabbing the lamp off the side table and throwing it against the wall across the room. It breaks, tumbling to the ground. "You will not fucking take me!" Tears spill down my cheeks as I vibrate with rage. "They're going to come for us, baby girl." I rub my belly as the baby starts to kick. "Your daddies won't let them hurt us. They're coming, I know they are." Teardrops fall onto the fabric of my shirt.
I stumble over to the window bench and sit down. Leaning over, I put my face in my hands and sob. This can’t be happening, this can’t be real.
God, I’m going to be sick.
Getting to my feet, I rush over to the bathroom and just make it before emptying my lunch into the toilet.
Falling to my knees, I move to sit back against the bathroom wall. The tears come faster now, deep, heavy sobs taking over my body.
I'm spiraling, pure panic is setting in. I can't leave, they can't make me. I'll kill him and anyone who tries to take us.
This can’t be happening. “Where are you!” I scream so loud my voice cracks and my throat hurts. “Please.” I cry out. “Please be on your way. Please.”
I’m full on hyperventilating when I feel a cramp spasm in my side. I gasp, eyes widening as I feel like I’ve been sucker punched. I’ve been feeling little shocks of pain all day, my gas pains slowly becoming worse.
Taking in a deep breath, I pull myself to my feet and lean back against the wall. I rub my belly, hoping it helps it to pass, and when the pain goes away, I feel like I can finally breathe again.
In and out, one deep breath at a time. I need to get myself together. If I get too worked up, it won’t be good for the baby.
My eyes find my reflection in the mirror, and I feel like I’m staring at a stranger. The strong woman who’s overcome so much in her life is gone. All I see is a scared little girl, a hopeless one. One who’s slowly crumbling.
“I’m her mother!” I snarl at my reflection. “I should be able to protect her.” The second part comes out on a sob. “You will not take her away from me!” I scream. “I will not lose another baby.”
As my chest rises rapidly, more tears fall.
Another sharp pain has me doubling over, hands gripping the side of the sink as I cry out in pain.
And then I feel a gush, something wet splashes on the floor. Breathing heavily, I look down at the ground. Did I pee myself?
My eyes widened. "No," I sob. "No, no, no! Not now. This cannot be happening right now."
Of all the fucking times to go into labour, now is the worst. What do I do? Do I bang on the door and let them know? If I have this baby here and now, will they take her from me?
But what if I wait and something happens? I’m not a doctor, I don’t know anything about delivering a baby.
“Raven?” Dynika’s voice sounds from the other room. My eyes snap up to the door.
“Dynika?” Her name comes out broken.
She appears in the bathroom door and takes in the scene. “Are you okay?” she asks in a panicked tone.
“No.” I shake my head, crying. “My water just broke. I think I’m in labor.”
“Shit.” Her eyes widen. “Okay, okay.” She steps into the bathroom. “Are you having any contractions?”