Dynika puts her hands out. “You're going to have to go through me first.”
He snarls and backhands her across the face. My eyes widen, and I gasp, trying to get to my feet, but I’m too slow.
Dynika makes an angry noise, clutching her cheek. She grabs a book from the shelf and hits him upside the head with it. He lets out a grunt, but it doesn’t do much. He grabs her by the arm and throws her on my bed.
“Leave her alone!” I scream, panic filling me.
“Do not test me, you stupid bitch!” he snarls at her. “I might not be able to kill you, but I’ll do much worse.”
“And I’ll chop your tiny dick off!” she screams back.
“Dynika, please, stop. I don’t want you to get hurt. I’ll be back. He’s not going to hurt me; if he was, he wouldn’t have me held up in a place like this.”
Her eyes flash with fear. “You don’t know him like I do,” her voice lowers with each word that passes her lips.
“I’ll be okay.” I try to sound convincing when I don’t believe my own words.
“Come on.” The guy grabs my arms and pulls me toward the door. I go willingly, not wanting to risk doing something that could hurt the baby. But I’m making a mental note to tell the guys to chop his fucking hands off before they kill him.
“You don’t have to be so fucking rough,” I grumble. “I’m going willingly.”
“Great, another fucking brat,” he mutters.
“My boyfriend thinks it’s hot.” I shrug.
He shoots me a dark look, and I give him a toothy grin.
Leading me through the massive mansion, I struggle to keep up. “Listen, buddy. I’m kinda carrying a watermelon in my shirt. I’m not exactly in the position to be rushing.”
“Good thing we’re here.” We stop in front of a door, and he raises his hand to knock.
“Come in,” a deep raspy voice calls out, followed by a coughing fit.
Baldy opens the door and pushes me inside before closing it behind me.
I stumble in, momentarily taken off guard. Looking around, I see I’m in an office. My eyes fall to the desk and there he is.
“Raven,” he says my name, and all I can do is stare.
This is the man that so many people fear? The man that kills, causes mayhem and leaves a trail of bodies in his wake. The man who's been after me for years, who sold me to a monster.
He looks... weak, fragile. He sits behind the massive oak desk, an oxygen mask over his face.
He might not have died, but he sure does look like he’s one cough away from croaking. The idea fucking thrills me.
“Sit,” he demands, pointing a shaky finger to the chair.
As I get closer, I see he’s aged, and not well. His blonde hair is thinning, almost missing in patches. His eyes have dark circles under them, making him look like a ghost.
His body is thin, frail. How could anyone fear this man? Maybe once upon a time, but now? He’s a fucking joke.
“Well, long time no see, Pops,” I greet, taking the seat in front of him. “Wanna tell me why I’m here? A little dramatic with the way you came and got me, though. You know, a phone call would have worked just as good.”
“Enough,” he barks. “You will learn some respect.”
“Or what, you're going to beat it into me?” I laugh. Raven, shut the fuck up. You don’t know what this fucker is capable of.
“Maybe not me, but my men would.” He gives me a slimy smile.