“I think it’s because he’s frozen in fear,” Taylor teases. “Can’t make himself. His fight and flight instincts aren’t kicking in.”
“Maybe we can help with that,” Travis suggests. “We’ve been feeling a little restless lately. Haven’t spilled any blood.”
“You guys are the worst,” Quinton sighs, leaning back in his seat before pulling me up on his lap.
That gets Link’s attention. His eyes snap over to where Q’s arm is wrapped around my now swelling belly. A low growl rumbles from his chest.
Yup, Link is back to his old self, that’s for sure. Still being a dickhead about anyone else touching me. He went from not laying a finger on me for weeks to not letting me out of his sight. And I mean at all. I don’t even remember what it’s like to pee without him standing there.
I draw the line at him being in the room with me while I shit. Because no matter how long I’ll be with these men, we will never cross that line as long as I can help it.
Doesn't stop him from sitting outside the bathroom door, though. What does he think, someone's going to come through the bathroom window on the second floor and snatch me up?
I’m eighteen weeks along in my pregnancy, and apart from the first ultrasound at ten weeks, we haven't seen the baby. Link demanded we go and make sure everything was okay with Baby Bird. Hearing their little heartbeat was everything. I think it was something we all needed, that little bit of reassurance.
Today, we’re finding out the gender of Baby Bird. Well, kind of. It’s going to be written down on a piece of paper and given to Andy. She and our moms begged me to let them throw us a gender reveal. And while things like that wouldn’t normally be something I’d be dying to do, I’m excited.
The big asshole glaring at my other boyfriend took away the pregnancy announcement. He owes me this. Even if his impatient ass wants to know right this moment because he hates the idea of not knowing things when he's able to.
This pregnancy has been good. A lot of it has to do with the guys making sure I’m well taken care of. And thankfully, that means in the bedroom now too. It’s like now that they know they won’t hurt us, we’re back to normal.
Well, kind of. They still handle me with caution, but at this point, as long as I’m getting a good dicking, I really don’t care. But, once Baby Bird is out of me, things better be how they were before.
“Us?” Link growls. “He’s the one who thought he had the right to put his hands on what's mine.”
“Ours,” Q corrects. “And he was just doing his job.”
That poor nurse. He came over all bright and bubbly, happy to bring me over to get weighed and my vitals checked. The moment he went to help me stand, Link pounced. Not literally, but he was right in that guy’s face growling.
I embarrassingly had to ask for a female nurse because it’s just easier that way.
“He can do his job with someone else.”
“You're such a caveman,” I sigh, cuddling into Q’s arms.
“You.” Link turns to Hunter. “I know you said you weren’t interested in college, but I think you should go to nursing school.”
“What the fuck?” Hunter looks at his brother like he’s grown three heads. “Why the fuck would I do that for?”
“Because, we plan on doing this a bunch more times. If you’re the nurse, I won’t kill you for touching her,” Link surmises as if it’s the most logical thing ever. I’m doing everything in my power not to burst out laughing.
"Fuck that," Hunter scoffs. "I don't know how much gunpowder you've been sniffing, but that's literally the most insane thing you've ever said to me. No. I'm not fucking doing that. Just make sure there's female nurses."
“And you don’t think a woman would want our girl? I see them watching her too.”
“Okay, okay, that’s enough, Link.” I laugh. “You can’t change the world around us to fit to your liking.”
“Yes I can,” he counters with a blank face.
“No. You can’t.” I glare at him.
“Raven West?” My name gets called out, and all the guys except Q jump to their feet.
“That's me,” I say, letting Q help me stand.
“The tech and the doctor are female, right?” Link asks the nurse who’s escorting us back to one of the exam rooms.
“Yes,” she says. “That's why it was a little longer of a wait. We needed to make sure.”