Page 64 of Deadliest Throne

“I think so. I thought it was gas but–Oh god!” Another wave of pain almost takes me to my knees, but Dynika catches me, holding me up.

“Breathe. Just breathe. In and out. We got this.”

The lights go out, sending us into complete darkness.

“What the fuck!” Dynika shrieks.

“Must be the storm,” I guess, gasping for air as the contraction passes. “Dynika, this isn’t good. They’re too close together. If these have all been contractions, I’ve been in labour since this morning.” I’m so stupid. How did I not know? I’ve been so distracted, I wasn’t listening to what my body was telling me.

“Come on, let’s get you on the bed.” She helps me over to the bed slowly. It’s dark in here, only the fireplace under the TV providing us with a dim glow to see by.

Just as I take a seat on the edge of the bed, I hear a gunshot.

“What was that?” Dynika asks. We both pause, staring at the door. Another shot, then another. And then it sounds like a full blown war.

“Oh my god,” I sob in relief, my eyes widening as a stupid grin takes over my face. “They’re here, they just have to be, I know it.”

The gunshots keep going off as people shout outside in the hallway.

“What do we do?” I ask her. Do we just wait here? Do we leave and try to get to somewhere safer?

“I–I don’t know,” she says, her breathing picking up. “I–I don’t know. I don’t know.” She’s panicking now, her face twisting into fear and confusion.

“Dynika, hey, it’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.” I try to calm her, but she’s breathing too heavily.

“Not now, damn it!” she wails in a panic.

“Dynika?” My brows furrow. She doesn’t look so good. Her eyes roll back, and she falls onto the carpeted ground. “Shit!” I gasp, dropping to my knees. Her body stiffens and then starts to twitch. She’s having a seizure. Fuck!

My stomach sinks and fear spikes through my veins. Seeing her like this, it breaks my heart.

It takes effort to get to my feet, but I manage to and go over to the bed, grabbing a pillow and bringing it back.

“Fuck!” I groan as another contraction hits me. Sweat breaks out on my forehead and down my back. So much pain, it takes my breath away.

But I need to help her, she needs me. Getting to my knees, I crawl over to her and do my best to place the pillow under her head. “You’re okay,” I tell her. “I’m here. You're going to be okay.” With shaky hands, I brush the hair from her face.

I stay with her for what feels like hours, never leaving her side as the gunshots continue to sound. There's a fight going on all around me, and all I can do is pray that my guys are on the winning side of it. Because if I have to be taken from here, knowing my men are lying dead in a pool of their own blood, I’ll never recover. I’d never be able to come back from that.

Another contraction crashes into me, and I cry out. Partly from the pain and partly from frustration. This is hell, a living nightmare.

When Dynika stops seizing, I roll her to her side. “That's it. You're okay. I’m here with you. I’ve got you.”

The gunshots mix with the thunder outside. I look over to see flashes of lightning, raindrops pelting against the window. My eyes stay fixed, watching the rain as I feel myself going numb. Maybe it’s the stress or the shock of everything. But in this moment, everything seems peaceful. I smile and laugh.

Then I’m screaming again. They’re too close together. This isn’t good. Not at all.

Chapter 20


Warm blood splatters against my face as I jam my blade into the neck of the asshole who dared get in my way.

He lets out a gurgling grunt, eyes going wide with fear as he understands that he’s taking his last breath.

A sinister grin takes over my lips as I yank the blade free, sending him to the ground with a hard thud.

I don't get to revel in his demise for very long because someone takes a shot at me. I duck, spinning around on my heel and raising the gun in my other hand. I fire a few shots, sending the man crashing into the wall as one bullet lands in his neck and the other between his eyes. He slides down, leaving a blood trail on the fancy wallpaper.