Page 61 of Deadliest Throne

It's storming badly. Thunder and lightning battle above us as the rain beats down. We're drenched, eyes squinting to see as the water impairs our vision.

Not a single man cares. This is our war; we’ve come to kill.

I’ve killed a few men in my past, had my hands covered in blood more than once, but I’ve always left the darker parts to Link. He lives for it, craves it.

But tonight, I will have no mercy. Titus said there will only be three people who come out of this alive, giving us free rein to take out anyone who gets in our way.

Titus walks towards us, hand shielding the rain from his eyes. "Our men are to spread out and take down anyone in their path. The old man won't get his hands dirty; he will most likely be held up in his office on the middle floor in the west wing, his bedroom on the top left of the east wing, or his panic room in the basement. Our job is to find him and our girls. Kill anyone on the way."

I look over to Link. His eyes aren't on Titus, but I know he can hear every word he's said. By the tick in his jaw and the way he's breathing, I can tell he's having one hell of a time letting someone else take control. But Titus made sure to share as few details as he could so he remained the one in charge, knowing we wouldn't fight him, not with Raven's safety at risk.

“Hunter, you're with Quinton, check the panic room. The code is 7893482.” I repeat the numbers over and over, preying my memory doesn’t fuck this up with all the stress. “Travis, Taylor, you two take the office. Otto and Arcadius, bedroom,” Titus instructs. “Once you’ve found him, lock him in his panic room. We will deal with him once we know our girls are safe and let them have a say in how he dies tonight. Make sure at least a good handful of our men are watching that room before you leave.” Titus’s men hand all of us some rope.

Looking to Link, I wait for his permission. Titus might know what he’s doing, but he’s not my friend, not my boss, and not my family.

Link gives me a nod, then the others.

“And what do you suggest we do?” Link asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Our girls are being kept in one of the rooms on the west wing, top floor. That’s all my contact could give me as he hasn’t been granted access to find out for himself, and that level is heavily guarded. We will take a good chunk of men with us ourselves. My man said there’s at least fifty people on this property, including guards at the front gate, along the perimeter, and within the house itself.”

“Does he normally have this many people guarding?” I ask.

Titus looks at me and pauses before answering. “No.” He looks to Arcadius and Otto. I don’t like it.

“You're keeping something from us,” Taylor accuses, stepping forward. “What aren’t you telling us?”

Titus says nothing, causing Link to get in his face. “Speak, you motherfucker,” he snarls.

Titus sighs heavily. "I got an update on the way here. We assumed that they were being moved to another one of Tyrone's properties, as this is one of many. Something more low-key, private, but that's not the case."

“So, they’re not moving her?” Travis asks.

“Oh, they plan on moving them, alright. Right out of the country and into another.”

“What?” Link snarls.

“He's meeting for business tonight with the intention of selling them.” Titus’ face is a mask of fury. “To one of the sickest mother fuckers in the Russian mob. “That's why we need to get this done now. Boris is on his way here to collect what he thinks will be his. Knowing him, he brought an army of men with him. We have enough to take on Tyrone on short notice. Boris, not so much.”

Like fucking hell that bastard is getting our girl. Titus might underestimate us, but we’re willing to die to save our girl. Are they for theirs?

“Then what are we waiting for?” Link growls. “Let’s go.”

After Titus fills everyone in on the game plan, we head out. This property is nestled pretty deep in the woods. The hike up there isn’t the best and without lights, it makes it hard.

Once we get to the front gate, I notice the lights are out, meaning they’ve cut the power. A few seconds later, some muffled shots are fired, letting us know the guard station has been cleared.

“That was my guy. We’re in,” Titus announces. “You know your jobs, focus on that and only that. Be alert and ready.”

Grabbing my gun, I flick the safety off as my eyes find Hunter’s. “Ready to get our girl back?”

He gives me a shit-eating grin. "Let's go kill some motherfuckers!"

We’re on our way, Chiaro di luna, not much longer now.

We all start running through the open gate. More gunshots are fired, but Hunter and I try our best to keep focused on heading for the front door.

It sounds like a battlefield. Gunshots, people screaming, the thunder crashing above us.