Page 56 of Deadliest Throne

“So, this is your fearless leader?” Titus’s voice sounds from behind me.

“Who the fuck are you?” Link growls.

Titus raises a brow. “You have some nerve talking to me like that in my own house. Are you looking to die before we get your girl back?”

Link’s chest heaves, but he doesn’t say anything else. I’m a bit shocked, but Link is a desperate man. We all are. Titus seems to be the only one who knows where Raven is... at least, the only one who is willing to tell us where she is. Link won’t risk him changing his mind.

“Are all your men here?” Titus asks Link.

“Yes,” Link grunts, jaw clenched.

“Good, because we need to leave now. The house where he’s keeping her is about an hour's drive. With the storm, it might take us longer to get there. And we only have three hours or we’re all fucked.”

"Why would we be fucked?" Link stiffens, eyes alert. Taylor, Hunter, Quinton, and I all look at Titus, unease coming off us in waves.

“Because it looks like that bastard doesn’t give a fuck about your girl. My contact says he overheard that someone will be coming to pick her and my girl up tonight. And that can’t fucking happen because once they leave that house, I won’t know where they’re going next,” Titus explains.

“No way in fucking hell will that happen,” Link barks. “Tell me the address now, and I’ll go there myself and fucking get her.”

“You need to back the fuck up,” Titus warns him. “We are doing this together or I’ll go there myself, get my girl, and leave yours behind.”

“I’ll fucking kill you.” Link takes a step towards him, and I know he’s itching to put a bullet in my big brother's brain.

“Enough.” Taylor steps between them. “As much as I’d love to see my brother get his ass handed to him, we have bigger things to worry about.”

“Brother?” Link’s eyes snap over to Taylor, then me. “He’s your fucking brother?”

Titus chuckles. “ So there’s trouble in paradise, is there? I see your men are keeping secrets from you, yes?” he looks over to Otto and Arcadius. “Mine don’t. Secrets kill.”

“We didn’t say anything about them because up until a few days ago, this whole place was dead to us.” Taylor gives Titus a side eye glare. “Look, it’s a long story but our father was a sick bastard, just as bad as Raven’s. We didn’t want you to think we had any affiliation with them or have it in the back of your mind we might flip on you someday. You, Hunter, and Quinton are our real family. You three and all of Black Venom Crew have our loyalty.”

“I’ll fucking deal with the two of you later,” Link hisses, then looks back to Titus. “So, what's the plan?”

"When the time is right, my man on the inside is going to cut the power. Then we move. Shoot everything you see apart from the girls. Every one of them needs to die." He grinds his jaw. "My man will be waiting outside. If he gets too close, it will draw suspicion. They will think the power is out because of the storm. It should give us enough time to get in there and do our thing before they wonder why the backup generators haven't turned on yet."

Link nods. “We brought all the ammo we have.”

“We have more than enough,” Titus tells him. “It’s what we do best.”

I see they’re still arms dealers. I guess in this case, that’s a good thing.

“Tyrone, leave him alive if you find him. I want her to see him die with her own two eyes.”

Titus snorts. “If anyone is going to get the privilege of killing him, it’s my girl. After everything that fucking bastard did to her, she deserves it.”

Link narrows his eyes. “Who’s your girl and what’s her connection to Tyrone? She one of his playthings?"

“Fuck no,” Otto scoffs. “Not unless he’s into incest.”

“Wait, what?” I ask, brows furrowing. “Are you saying your girl is his daughter?”

“Unfortunately,” Titus growls. “Not that he has a paternal bone in his body. All they are to him are pawns in his game. He has something big planned, but we don’t know what. He’s set up a meeting with us for next week to talk business. All I know is, it can’t be good. We need to stop him now before it’s too late.”

“Then what the fuck are we waiting for? Let’s go,” Link demands, then turns around and heads outside.

“Alright Demon Knight’s. Load up. Time to spill blood!” Titus shouts, getting the men in cuts all riled up. They all start to cheer and shout, banging glasses on the table before heading outside.

“How weird is this?” Hunter mutters. “You guys are brothers, and you're dating sisters. So, no matter what, our babies would be cousins.”