Page 46 of Deadliest Throne

One, two, three more shots and then no more. I’m out of fucking bullets. “Fuck!” I shout, tossing the gun to the ground. I don’t stop. I keep running, following them onto the road.

I ignore the burning in my lungs as they scream at me in pain. I ignore the pounding of my heart as it feels like it’s going to burst out of my chest.

I give it everything I have, pumping my arms, breathing heavily to the point I think I’m going to pass out.

My eyes are on that SUV. But the more I run, the further it gets away.

“Raven!” The agony in my voice as I see the SUV disappear will forever echo through my soul.

My vision goes spotty as my knees collapse under me. I trip over my feet and go down hard, smashing my head against the pavement. “Dove,” I croak before everything goes black.

Chapter 12


Blind, numbing rage is what I feel right now. She’s gone. We’ve searched every fucking inch of this place, and she’s fucking gone.

The fairgrounds have cleared out, more people leaving their car’s behind in the haste of the gunshots. Police sirens sound in the distance as I stand there in the middle of the parking lot, ready to tear the world apart.

A blast of black catches my attention. Squinting my eyes, I see someone laying on the ground in the middle of the street, car’s dodging him as he pulls himself to his feet and staggers to the side of the road.

Taking off, I run over to him. It’s Travis.

“They took her,” he croaks out, his face morphing in pain and devastation.

Grabbing my gun, I pull it free, and press the barrel of the gun against his temple.

“You let them fucking take her,” I snarl, murderous fury coursing through my veins as the hand holding the gun trembles. “You let them fucking take my whole fucking world.”

“I didn’t let them!” he screams in my face, not caring about the gun. Tears form in his eyes. “I tried, Link,” his voice cracks. “I fucking tried. I shot at the tires. I ran until my body gave out on me.” He sniffles, wiping his nose with the back of his hand before sobbing out in anger, “They took me by surprise, hit me over the head. I fucking tried!”

“Not hard enough!” I roar in his face, pressing the gun harder against his head. “I’m going to fucking kill you, Travis.” I laugh mockingly, feeling what little sanity I have left slipping away. “I’m going to put a fucking bullet through your brain and watch you bleed out. Just like my fucking soul is doing right now!”

The sirens grow louder. We need to leave. If I have to stay and deal with them, I’ll end up behind bars for killing one of them due to the patience I don’t fucking have. And then my Little Bird wouldn’t have me to find her. Because I will fucking find her, and I will kill every single fucking person who played a hand in taking her from me.

“Link, put the gun away,” Taylor says from behind me.

“No,” I spit. “He lost my heart, and now he has to fucking die.”

“He didn’t fucking take her, Link!” Taylor shouts. “Don’t fucking do this man. Raven would be devastated if she lost him.”

“Raven isn’t here now is she?!” I roar as I turn around to face Taylor.

What I wasn’t expecting was to see his fist come flying at me. I’m taken off guard, subdued for just a moment. But it’s long enough for someone to take the gun from my hand and for Taylor to get another swing at me.

The next time I open my eyes, I’m tied to a fucking chair. Blinking the fog clear, I see I’m back at the warehouse.

It takes a moment for me to remember, but it all comes rushing back to me. Raven. She’s gone. Someone took her.

“Hey!” I shout to my brother, who’s talking to Quinton. But the twins aren't here. Thinking of the twins, of Travis sends a new wave of furry thought me. Fucking Travis. I’m going to kill that bastard when I get my fucking hands on him!

They look over at me, and Hunter sighs. “You're awake.”

“Yes I’m fucking awake. Now fucking untie me,” I demand, voice low and dangerous. I’m seconds away from trying to rip out of these ropes.

“Can’t do that, big brother,” he sighs, pulling a chair up to sit a few feet in front of me.

“Why the fuck not?!” I roar, thrashing against my restraints. I feel straight up feral right now, eyes wild, nostrils flaring. Blood. I want to see it fucking rain blood.