I’m not used to this tender side of Link. I don’t think I’ve ever really experienced it. I only see it when he’s with the babies.
But he holds me until I’m almost asleep. Gently, he picks me up and lays me on my back. The mattress shifts, and I think he’s untying his feet because, not too long after, he gets off the bed and walks across the room. A second later, I hear the tub running.
He lifts me up and brings me to the bathroom. My eyes are still closed as I hover between sleep and consciousness.
I groan as my body meets the warm water, and he soothes me. “Go to sleep, Little Bird. I got you. I always got you.”
He kisses me on the top of my head, his arms still wrapped around me. He must be in the bath with me. I’m not able to think much more about it because I drift off to sleep; my body, mind, and soul feeling safe with this man, knowing no harm will come to me or the little one growing inside me.
Chapter 9
“Iseriously can’t get over how stinking cute this kid is.” Andy laughs as she blows raspberries onto Andrew’s belly, making him burst into another fit of giggles.
My heart is so damn full right now, my smile as big as hers. I love that little boy with everything in me.
“Cuteness aggression is real with this one.” I laugh, reaching out to tickle him. He’s laughing so hard he’s gasping for air.
Hands grab him under his arms and lift him into the air. “I’m taking my son before you two tickle him to death.” Link gives us a dirty look as he tucks Andrew into the crook of his arm. I just smile and shake my head.
“Relax. He’s fine.” I laugh. “If you want to hang out with him, all you gotta do is say so.”
Link just gives me a look, making me smile wider. He might be a stone cold killer, but that little boy has his daddies wrapped around his little finger. Mine too.
“Come on, little man,” Link says to Andrew. “Daddy will save you from the big scary women.”
“Oh, fuck off.” I giggle, flicking him off. He winks, the corner of his lips twitching.
Ever since he let me tie him up, giving up complete control of his body for the first time ever, things between us have changed. For the better, thank god. I was going to go out of my fucking mind if we kept butting heads. I love that man, but god, sometimes I want to wrap my hands around his throat and squeeze.
I mean, it did feel good doing it while my cunt was wrapped around his cock.
It was a one time thing, I’m sure of it. And I don’t mind. Since then, we haven’t had sex. Okay, let me rephrase that: We haven’t had sex while I was awake. At least that he knows of.
He’s been slipping inside me every night, leaving his mark behind. It’s the only way he seems to be able to keep himself in control. Like his brain knows that if he takes me how he usually does, it would wake me up. And when he takes me like that, he doesn’t want me awake. So, if he does happen to wake me up, I pretend I’m not.
If he’s noticed, he hasn’t said anything. Like he doesn’t want to break the fucked up fantasy of it all.
“Whatever you’ve been doing to make that man a little less murdery, thank you,” Andy sighs, leaning back against the couch. “I swear, Raven, I was ready to skip town. I know you said he wouldn’t hurt me, but it’s hard to believe that when he gives me death glares all the time.”
I bite my lip, trying not to smile. “You’re very welcome. My pussy has magical powers, you know.” I wiggle my brows. We both burst out laughing and I groan, holding my belly. “Fuck, everything makes me have to pee these days.”
“How's little bean doing?” she asks, giving me a soft smile.
“She’s good.” I put my hand on my belly. “Really good.”
“How have you been doing?” she asks, this time a little more seriously.
"Not gonna lie, it's hard not to expect the worst is waiting for me around the corner. I just want him found and dealt with, you know? I'm tired of living in fear, of having my life on such a tight leash. I can't even leave the house without an army of men behind me."
"He can't hide forever. At some point, he's going to make a move and Black Venom Crew will be there to take him down."
“I hope so,” I sigh.
I'll never once regret having my guys be mine. But sometimes I can't help but wonder what my life would be like if I was still in the dark about the lives they live.
But then I remember that all the fucked up shit that’s happened to me doesn’t have to do with them.