Page 26 of Deadliest Throne

“No problem, man.” I clap his back and give Andrew a kiss on his forehead before heading back to Raven.

“Oh my god, I love you so much!” she gasps when I hand her the plate filled with chicken wings, pigs-in-a-blanket, and other finger foods.

She moans as she digs into her food, and something inside me just about snaps. God, I want her so fucking bad. I don’t even care if it’s while she’s eating; somehow, that just might be hotter.

I send a look over my shoulder to Travis, who glares at me and shakes his head. “Fucking cock blocker,” I grumble to myself.

“What?” Raven asks with a mouthful of food.

“Nothing.” I chuckle and grip her chin. Leaning forward, my tongue flicks up, running along her lower lip, licking the bit of wing sauce clean. I pull back and lick my own lips as the sexual tension comes off my Little Mouse and me in waves while we stare into each other's fucking souls.

“If you're about to fuck right here, please do us all a favor and don’t,” Andy hisses. “Your brother is bad enough, but I don’t think your mothers want to see that.”

“Andy would be right.” My mom shoots me a scolding glare. “Behave, Hunter Bartholomew Graves. I am not above grabbing you by the ear and dragging you out of here.”

My eyes widen in horror at the use of my middle name. No one—and I mean no one, not even the twins or Raven—knew my middle name.

“Oh my god!” Raven’s whole face lights up in pure amusement. “Your middle name is Bartholomew.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I growl, shooting her a glare. “I’ve been successfully keeping that one to myself my whole damn life.”

“Relax, it's a nice name. It’s my father's name.” My mom waves me off.

“Hey, Barth, you want some?” Raven holds up her plate of food as she struggles hard to hold back her laughter.

“I’ll bend you over right now and spank your ass if you keep that up, Little Mouse,” I growl.

Her smile falls as she swallows hard, need flashing in her hazel eyes.

“Hunter,” my mother warns. “If you can’t even stand next to Raven without wanting to jump her bones, then shoo and let us have some girl time.”

“And now your cock blocking me too?” I toss my hands in the air. “Does everyone hate me?”

“No one hates you, you big horn ball.” Taylor wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me away from the ladies. “You're just thinking with your dick at the moment. Not the time or place.”

“So, Link can make our girl get on her knees and suck his dick or eat her out on a chair like a queen on a throne with an audience, but I can’t fuck her in front of everyone?”

“You can. But the difference between what Link did and now is that our mothers weren't there.” He chuckles.

“Can we ask them to leave?”

“Fuck off.” Taylor pushes me with a laugh. “Enough.”

“Fine.” I pout. I will get my Little Mouse at some point tonight. I don’t even care if she’s got someone else's cock inside her.

About fifteen minutes later, Link finally comes down to the party all showered and changed into a new pair of dark jeans and a black t-shirt.

“Alright, let’s get this done and over with. I’m starving,” Link states, joining our little group.

“Yay!” Raven grins. “Okay, everyone, gather around. I want to thank you all for coming today. I know this isn’t the usual BVC scene, but I promise, there are no silly games or presents. Just good food, drinks, and the reveal.”

That earns a sigh of relief from half the club. If Raven did want the silly games and gifts, they would have had to suck it up because I damn well know Link wouldn’t have given them a choice as it meant making Raven happy, and none of them would have risked pissing him off.

Raven compromised and agreed to a baby shower later on at Safe Haven with just the women. And by just the women, that doesn’t mean excluding us because where she goes, we go.

“So, how are we doing this?” Link asks, looking around. “Is there like a confetti popper? Blue or pink cakes? Those exploding balloons with the powder inside them?”

“Of course, you would think of all the basic, boring ones.” I grin. “But no, none of those.”