Page 84 of Motorycle Daddies

Dart walks up behind the couch that’s floating in the middle of the room and takes her other hand. I slide in behind her and allow her to sit against my chest. She leans against it, taking turns looking at each of us.

“I’m going for more intel and to get our sergeant at arms and more men to watch over you for the times when we can’t all be here with you,” Dart offers, and I can tell Meredith squeezes his hand.

“For now, I get the pleasure of staying with you until you get sick of me or one of these bastards comes and takes my place.” I chuckle against her ear and she smiles, but she’s already half asleep. “I got this, guys…now go get your sorry asses out of here,” I say to my friends, as they both kiss one of Meredith’s hands and then head out the door.

In no time, they’re gone, and Mer is sleeping soundly with her head rested against my chest. I on the other hand have to fight the urges I have at our closeness. I want her so bad, but not like this… not now.

Soon enough.

I rest my head against the side of the couch and let myself slump into comfort. It’s an odd feeling in the middle of the day, but I wonder if we’ll ever get a time where it all just feels like this—comfortable.

Sometime later I’m jolted awake by a sound outside. It has to be afternoon. It takes me a moment to acclimate myself to where we are, but with Meredith still sleeping on my chest, I quickly remember we’re at the safe house. I wonder if it’s the nurse coming with the machine and to look after her, but the sound is too loud to be a nurse with a portable ultrasound machine.

“Hey, baby, sit up. Hurry please,” I say to her, causing her to sit up quickly.

“Holy fuck, my head hurts,” she says as she holds her head.

I lean down and grab her pain meds, safe for pregnancy, and toss her a bottle of water as I make my way off the couch and to the front door. When I look out, I don’t like what I see.

Davis, one of our prospects, is running up the walkway, and he’s covered in blood. I don’t know if it’s his own or someone else’s, but he’s clearly in trouble.

“Get her out of here…they found us!” Davis screams as he crumples to the ground.

There’s a knife in his back.

I don’t know how he managed to get to us with the knife hovering over his heart, but now he is clearly dead.

I reach for my phone and dial Grizzly as I look back over to Meredith who is sitting on the couch with fear in her eyes. It’s clear she heard what Davis just said.

The phone buzzes many times on the other line before Grizzly answers it.

“Grizzly,” his gruff voice booms on the other end.

“We have a fucking mole,” I shout from my end. “Davis is dead.” I see a slew of guys coming down the hill, some on bikes, others on foot. “And we are under attack.” I hang up the phone and run back to Meredith, who now sees exactly what I see.

“I have to get you out of here,” I say. I throw her shit in a bag, and gather her up in my arms as one of our other prospects runs in…I think his name is Tommy.

“Get her to the evacuation spot,” I shout, handing her over to him. “Wait for me there. Call the nurse off so she doesn’t show up to this shit show.” I hand Meredith my phone with the nurse’s number up.

I lean in and kiss her softly on the lips as I see people coming from everywhere at the front of the house.

“Don’t die,” she says with fresh tears in her eyes.

“Go!” I shout, and they do.

They run out the door, heading to the basement where a tunnel will let out into a clearing in the woods toward the back of the house.



My body protests as the virtual stranger carries me through the basement of the house that was supposed to be our safe haven. Whoever the mole is, they know we’re here and they let these assholes know where to find me. This is all about me, I know it, and just as much as I know it, I hate it.

Trap might die because of me.

I can hear the moment the house is hit with gunfire. I just hope Trap hasn’t fallen victim. I wince as I wiggle down to my own feet and attempt to move through the dark as quickly as possible. I’m in front of the prospect and he keeps looking behind us to be sure we haven’t been followed. In no time, we come out into the cool of the afternoon. It felt much warmer on our ride to the house, but now, either due to my panic or feeling like I’m going to pass out, all the heat has left my body.

We come out on top of a small hill in a clearing in the woods. To our left is a small road that looks like it was put there specifically for bikes. I wonder how long the road has been there.