“Have you seriously not been doing anything other than school?”
I shake my head, not wanting to get into the details about my father. “Pretty much. There’s a lot of coursework right now. I think it’s just the fact that I’m trying to do so much at once to get ahead. I’m not getting any younger, you know.”
Addy scoffs. “Please. You act like we’re dinosaurs. We’re still very much young and free. Well, except for Harlow. Sometimes being around her makes me feel old. But don’t tell her I told you that.”
I stifle a laugh. “I know what you mean. She’s got everything all together. Kids. The home. Three serious relationships.”
Addy stops at a red light and eyeballs me. “I don’t believe that one has anything to do with age,” she teases. I can see the longing behind her eyes. She thinks the most amazing thing Harlow pulls off is having three guys who all want her, and not a single one getting jealous. Though my theory is that at least at some point they get jealous behind closed doors. I can’t imagine that not happening. But it all works for her, so why not?
“Yeah, I don’t think any of us saw that one coming. But she’s happy—that’s what matters. And I really miss her. I think it’s also what’s making all this so hard. I don’t have either of you right by my side for it.”
It’s a vulnerable moment, and we fall into silence until we pull up at the Venom Vultures’ clubhouse. It’s been even longer since I’ve been here, though I love visiting. There’s one particular reason too, but I’ll never admit it out loud, even though I’m sure Harlow suspects I’ve had my eyes on one of the men.
Though, I never expect anything will come from it.
Addy parks, and we get out. “I thought we were just picking her up?” I ask Addy as she walks up the steps.
She turns to me. “Don’t you wanna see the twins?”
I smile and nod. “Of course I do.” Harlow has managed to have two of the cutest babies I’ve ever seen in my life. And that’s something, because most babies are pretty darn cute.
We get inside and are greeted by tatted men all around the room. Some are day drinking, some playing pool, some just talking and shooting the shit. The energy, though, is that of a family. It’s not really like walking into a bar, or being inside the clubhouse of some gang, like most people expect. It feels more like home. And for Harlow, it is home.
We’re directed upstairs where a couple of rooms have been renovated to make a big playroom for the twins. Not that Harlow was the first by far to have babies, but being the president’s daughter gets you some privileges apparently. Grizzly wants only the best for his grandbabies, I suppose.
We make our way up there and find that Bane and Grizzly are both in the playroom, watching the babies as they have tummy time.
Addy and I both go straight over to sit with them. Grizzly seems preoccupied with something, but Bane is watching the babies with the same awe that we are. It’s so sweet to see him like that—this big, hardened man reduced to mush by his two babies.
I watch as Declan actually rolls over and tries to sit up. I don’t know the typical timeline for such a thing, but it seems so unreal since this little boy practically just came out of Harlow, along with his sister. It’s amazing how we all just learn to do that instinctively, and it comes into perspective as I watch these two grow.
The clunk of heels against the tile can be heard out in the hall, turning into muffled thumps on the carpet as my friend enters the room.
I stand up, greeting Harlow. Even Grizzly looks up, smiling at his daughter. In fact, the only time I’ve ever seen the man smile is when she’s around. He calls her his sugarplum.
I know he’s been like this since the death of Harlow’s mother, that he never really got over it. Hopefully, it’s been a little bit better having these grandchildren around. I’ve seen him smile at them too when nobody else is looking. Of course, being nearly invisible—the sweet girl, the quiet girl—I can observe things like that because no one ever looks my way either.
“Oh my goodness, Declan just rolled over and tried to sit up,” I tell Harlow, pointing to where Declan and Daisy are playing on the floor. Addy is still down there, counting their toes and singing some song to them.
Harlow smiles as she watches. “Yeah, it’s about time they would be doing that. That’s what the pediatrician said. Aren’t they amazing?”
Despite being so young, Harlow glows at the sight of her children. Maybe she was always meant to be a mother. It’s so nice to see that she’s kind of fallen into place in life, especially after everything she’s been through.
Only a few months ago, she was in hell. We all were. But now that everyone is safe, she’s settled into this new routine of being a mommy. I’d expected her to come back to school with me, but she never did. I’m sure one day she’ll get her degree online, but right now she’s focused on the twins.
I hope to find this level of purpose one day myself.
Addy gets up and walks over to us. “Sorry, they’re just so darn cute!” she says, apologizing for holding us up.
“Trust me, that’s because they’ve been fed and changed. You should be here at three a.m. Then, they might not seem as cute.”
Bane walks over to us and winks. “I can confirm this. Though, it hasn’t been my turn for a night shift for a few days. I think I’m due for one tonight. Now, you girls go have fun.”
He slides his hand around Harlow’s waist and pulls her in for a big kiss on the cheek.
“You got this?” she asks, looking back and forth between her father and Bane.
“You know damn well that none of us will let anything happen to these babies. I’ll bet there aren’t any other children in the whole damn world so well taken care of,” Grizzly grumbles, looking down at his phone again. “Go, have fun.”