The guys have been following me around on campus for days, watching every move I make. I know something is going on and they worry about me, but I really wish they would trust me and stay at the club. It’s very distracting having them on campus, and I find myself looking out the window trying to find them. I’ve already gotten in trouble with my professors a couple of times for not concentrating on my work like I should. I need to have a talk with Grizzly and tell him that they need to back off before I get in serious trouble, but the truth is…I like knowing they’re nearby.
As Addy and I walk from class to class, I notice them strategically placed in certain spots on the campus. I’m not sure if she’s noticed them yet, but I don’t know how she could miss them. Luckily for me, she hasn’t said anything about it so I’m guessing it doesn’t bother her to have them around.
I want to talk to her about what’s been going on with them, but I’m still afraid. Not to mention, I don’t think the guys want anyone to know just yet.
And the one person I’m really afraid to tell is Harlow. I don’t think she would get too mad, considering she’s in the same kind of situation, but it could make her angry that one of the men I’m interested in is her father. I don’t know how I’m going to tell her, but I know if this continues, I’m going to have to.
“Is there a reason why three of the guys from the club have been patrolling the campus like campus police for the last several days?” Addie asks me as she links her arm in mine.
Shit. She noticed. I was hoping she would keep being her oblivious self and not realize anything was different.
I shrug my shoulders and shake my head. “From what I’ve heard, there’s a situation involving the people who took me and Harlow before. So, they just want to make sure everything is okay around here, so nothing happens,” I tell her.
She nods, accepting my answer, and we continue on until she has to go in a different direction than I do for her next class. We separate, and as I turn around a corner I run right into a solid body. I gasp and look up only to realize that I’ve run right into Trap.
“Trap, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be watching me from a distance?” I say softly as I put my hand on his chest.
“Yeah, maybe. I thought I would catch you and take you somewhere a little more private,” he says as he winks at me.
“I don’t have time for that, Trap. I’ve got to get to class or I’m going to be late.” I reach out and squeeze his hand.
He’s been trying so hard, ever since they started watching the campus, to get me alone. Each time, I’ve had to tell him no.
I hate having to be that way, but my classes are important to me and I don’t want to get in trouble with my professors. I don’t know how I’m going to get them to understand that, but I know I have to before I get in big trouble.
As the week progresses, Trap keeps trying, and I have to give him props for effort. I see him and Grizzly across the quad and I smile. I’m surprised Grizzly is here. He normally isn’t on surveillance duty. Addie and I are walking to class when a boy from one of my science classes named Trevor stops us.
“Hi, Meredith, Addy. How are you?” he asks as he looks from me to her.
Addy winks at me and smiles, greeting Trevor but then heading on to class and leaving me alone with him.
“How are you doing with your classes?” I ask him.
“I’m doing good. I find it a little hard to concentrate in science though,” he says with a grin as he steps closer to me.
“Why can’t you concentrate?” I ask, looking at him curiously.
“There’s this really pretty girl who sits in front of me and I can’t stop staring at her. I’m wondering if she’ll go to lunch with me some time.” He looks at me, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
He moves closer to me, putting his arm around my shoulders, and I’m instantly uncomfortable. I take a step back, trying to put space between us, but he doesn’t get the hint and he moves close to me again. I take another step back and he does the same thing.
“Thanks for the offer, Trevor, but I’m actually seeing someone,” I tell him as I put space between us again, hoping he gets the hint this time.
I don’t realize that Trap and Grizzly are making a beeline for where I’m standing with Trevor. Before Trevor can even respond to what I said, Grizzly is in his face.
“What the hell is going on here?” Grizzly roars. “I watched her take several steps away from you and you kept crowding her. Can’t you take a fucking hint? She doesn’t want you to be that close to her.”
Trevor’s eyes go wide as Grizzly looms over him, yelling in his face. Trap steps up beside him and grabs a fistful of his shirt.
“Meredith is family to us, and we don’t take kindly to anyone messing with her. Are you affiliated with any gangs or anything?” Trap asks him.
Trevor’s eyes go wide. “What?! No! I was just asking her on a date.”
Trap lets go of Trevor’s shirt and shoves him away from me. Grizzly watches as he walks away quickly, and I glare at them both.
“What the hell are you guys doing? He’s in my science class. He’s perfectly harmless. He just asked me on a date, and I told him no. What the fuck are you doing here, Grizzly? You don’t usually make an appearance,” I snap, jerking away when he reaches for my arm.
Trap comes to my side and puts a hand on my shoulder. His presence calms me, and I know that’s a good thing so I don’t lose my shit on Grizzly.