I find myself following her to the dance floor and standing close to her as the music plays something a bit slower. I try to keep a bit of distance, since I can feel Grizzly and Dart staring holes into the back of my head. The song switches, and of course an even slower ones starts up next. I can still feel their gazes on the back of my head as I move closer and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her flush against my body.
She feels so good against me and I never want to let her go. We sway with the music as she lays her head against my chest and my heart gallops against my rib cage, threatening to explode. The song ends and another one starts. A faster one this time, and instead of stepping away from me like I think she will, Meredith turns around in my arms, wiggling her ass against my crotch.
Fuck my life. This can’t be happening.
I can feel Grizzly’s eyes boring into my brain at this point, and I’m scared to look at his face. I know that if I don’t step away and let her dance with someone else, people are going to figure out that something is up with us. My cock twitches in my jeans as she grazes my crotch with her ass once again, and I have to bite my tongue to keep from groaning.
She turns around to face me again and practically uses my body as a pole to dance on. I’m using every ounce of self-control I have not to throw her over my shoulder and carry her to my room.
I can’t do that and I know it. I won’t do that unless she asks me to.
I’m trying to respect the fact that she wants all of us, but it’s really hard for me to do sometimes when all I want to do is throw her on my bed, pin her legs to the mattress, and fuck her until she forgets her name and screams mine. She runs her hand along my jaw and I feel my dick throb in my jeans.
I breathe a sigh of relief when the song changes, and I step away from her reluctantly. I want nothing more than to keep grinding my painfully hard cock against her while imagining all the ways I can take her, but I know that’s just a fantasy. I want to keep being selfish, but I know I can’t.
“Baby, I want nothing more than to hold you close all night, but I think I better back off and let someone else have a turn before a fight breaks out,” I whisper in her ear as I flick my eyes toward Grizzly and Dart.
“They are looking a little grumpy,” she replies with a grin as she moves away from me, putting space between our bodies.
“More than grumpy, they’re looking downright murderous. Plus, Addy is looking a little lonely,” I say, nodding to her friend who’s dancing in circles alone.
Meredith giggles as she twirls her way over to her friend and starts dancing with her. A few minutes after she starts dancing with Addy, Grizzly and Dart make their way over and dance with both of them, taking turns being Meredith’s partner.
I take my seat at the table and watch as she laughs and has fun dancing with the other two and a few others. I can’t peel my eyes away from Meredith and the group of thrashing bodies on the dance floor. I watch as Dart’s hands go where mine were mere minutes ago, and I feel my blood pressure skyrocket. My fists ball at my sides and I know I must have a strange look on my face by the way she’s looking at me. I tell myself that I need to calm down, and I look away, taking another drink of the beer in front of me.
Get a grip, asshole. You’re gonna blow your cover before anything can even happen with her if you don’t get it together.
I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, trying to tame the jealous rage that’s building up in me. I need her in my arms tonight. I need to feel every line and curve of her body under me. I need to feel her writhe and squirm as I pleasure her over and over.
I’m not sure how it’s gonna happen yet, but I know one thing—it will.
The party has been going for hours and I feel the exhaustion washing over me, but I don’t want to leave. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun, not to mention I finally get to be around the three men who have been invading my thoughts every minute of every day. All I’ve thought about for the entire night is getting them alone and letting them have me. I haven’t experienced Dart or Trap yet and my curiosity is piqued.
Addy and I have been dancing by ourselves for a while now, and I can tell she’s getting tired just like I am. “You look tired, Addy. We should sit down,” I tell her as I tug her toward a table so we can sit.
“If I sit down, I’m gonna fall asleep. I know you were gonna drive me home, but I think I should just order an Uber and go. That way you can hang around a little longer if you want.” She pulls her phone out and orders the car.
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna hang out with Harlow a little more upstairs,” I say, not wanting to tell her that I’m also going to get myself laid by my three favorite men. At least, I hope I am.
I’m not sure how Addy will react when I tell her, if I ever tell her what’s been going on with the three of them. I don’t think she’ll react too badly, because of the situation Harlow is in, but I’m afraid that I’m wrong and she’ll hate me for liking all three of them. I know deep down that my fear is irrational, but I can’t help but feel that way. I shake the thought from my head as she gathers her things to head out to her Uber.
“I’ll see you later, Addy. Text me when you get back to campus, okay?” I say as I hug her tight.
“Sure thing, sweet cheeks,” she replies, giving me a tipsy smile and stumbling a bit as she walks out the door.
I watch out the window to make sure she gets in the car okay, and then I head upstairs to hang out with Harlow for a while since the boys are still celebrating Rap’s patching. I tiptoe up the stairs so I don’t wake the babies, but I find Harlow in the nursery with them awake anyway.
“How long have they been awake?” I ask her softly as I sit beside her.
“A while. I think all the noise from downstairs woke them. It’s okay though, the guys deserve to have some fun,” she says as she hands me one of the babies.
Declan fusses in my arms a little, but then settles down and grins at me. My heart squeezes in my chest as I look down at the cherub-faced baby and wonder if I’ll ever experience this for myself, but then I ask myself if that’s something I really want. I can’t answer that, so I shove the thought away and concentrate on the cooing baby in my arms.
“It was pretty fun tonight. I wish you would’ve been able to stay downstairs with us longer, but I understand why you couldn’t. These two are way more important than beer, that’s for sure,” I say in a baby talk voice.