Page 38 of Motorycle Daddies

“What about you, Adds?” Harlow asks, and Addy nods.

“Yeah, for a little bit. I can come back down and party later. I’d love to see my best friend for a while longer.” She squeezes Harlow dramatically, and Harlow rolls her eyes and laughs.

“Well, let’s congratulate the new member, then, and head up to the twins,” Harlow says.

We each take one of Harlow’s hands, and she leads us through the crowd in search of the newly patched member. The sea of people easily parts for her, and I know it’s a perk of being the president’s daughter and all.

I instantly regret coming with her, though, because standing right next to Rap as he pulls himself off of a keg, is Grizzly. Our eyes meet, and I have to look down shyly at my boots to shut down the heat that’s climbing through me.

Every memory of what happened between us comes rushing back, and I know I have to calm down. Shit. Is Harlow going to notice? And what about Addy?

“Hey, ladies,” Rap says, coming over to us and offering a handshake. I’m happy for the distraction.

Despite how much Rap’s just had to drink, and I’m sure he’s already had more tonight, he’s pretty steady on his feet. “To what do I owe this honor?” he asks, as if he has no idea we’re there to celebrate him.

He makes me laugh, and I give him a hug. “Congratulations are in order here,” I say, noticing that Grizzly is watching my every move.

I just hope his daughter doesn’t notice him ogling me before I can tell her what’s happened, and might still be happening, between her father and me.

“Oh yeah, you heard, they patched me…there just so happens to be a party going on at the same time,” he jokes as he puts one arm around my neck and the other around Addy’s.

He turns around and wiggles to show us his cut as if it’s the best thing since sliced bread. I guess for him, it kind of is.

The three of us clap and laugh as Grizzly comes up to us. He’s standing super close to me, and I can feel the warmth coming from him. I wish he would touch me, or say anything to me, but he seems to be avoiding even looking at me. Which makes total sense considering Harlow’s to my left.

“You headed upstairs to the twins?” he asks in a loving tone meant for his daughter.

She nods. “Yeah, and I’m taking these girls with me. I think your VP should be down here celebrating with you and not up there with the twins right now.”

“Well, you girls have fun and don’t forget to drop in when the twins are down for a nap.” Grizzly waves to us, but I swear he saves a smirk for me that I pray was lost on Harlow.

Before I can choke on my own spit, I turn around and follow Addy and Harlow back up to Harlow’s room. Sure enough, two of her men are there, rocking the babies, one of them with a half-empty bottle in his hand.

“He doesn’t seem to want any more,” Bane grumbles as he hands the bottle over to Harlow.

Harlow laughs. “That’s okay. I already fed them earlier. Must’ve just been a bit of a hungry boy.”

She reaches for Declan, and Addy goes up to take Daisy from Colt.

“Love you both, I’ve got this. You need to get down there. Rap’s already had way too much to drink, and shit’s going to hit the fan. I’d love for him to see you two there before he forgets his own name.”

They chuckle and then leave the room with a kiss to her cheek and a smile to each of their children.

The exchange sends shivers down my spine. I never paid that much attention in the past, but now I can’t stop seeing myself and the three guys I’m now involved with in the picture instead. Is that even something that could be in my future?

It’s all so new, and I don’t know how I feel about it. So, why the hell am I even thinking about this?

Both of the twins get burped and then Harlow sets them down on the carpet with some of their toys. I sink down against the bed cross-legged, and Daisy tries to walk toward me.

“No way she’s walking already.”

Harlow shakes her head. “She can stand on little wobbly legs, but she falls back down almost instantly.”

Sure enough, she tries to take a step and does exactly that. Her diaper thumps when she lands on the ground, but she laughs as if it’s some kind of game or ride.

I giggle at her cuteness.

“Look guys, I love my life, but tell me about life on campus. I’m here missing everything, and you guys are out there experiencing a different kind of life,” Harlow finally says, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s all as great as she makes it out to be.