Page 35 of Motorycle Daddies

I look up at her and we lock eyes. She instantly knows it has something to do with that. “Oh my God. Don’t tell me they got you too? If that’s the case, how did you get out?”

I shake my head. “My story’s a little bit different. There’s something you don’t know about my life. My dad?—”

“That son of a bitch.” I look up at Addy and gasp. She’s not usually one to speak like that. “I’m sorry. Just, I know you mentioned him being really irresponsible, maybe a bit of a drunk that you had to watch over and put to bed a few times. I always got the impression it was worse than you were letting on. I can’t stand parents who don’t give a shit about their children. But go on.”

She makes a motion as if she’s zipping her mouth shut, and it makes me chuckle.

“Well, you’re right about that. He’s much worse. He’s been gambling away all of our money for years, to the point where he’s had to take loans from some seedy people. I try to stay out of all that. Mostly, it’s been my job to keep him out of jail and go pick him up when he’s on the bender. This time, I got this call from a nurse who found him kicked out of some casino downtown. He was passed out drunk. She made sure he was okay and was able to give me a call. Anyway, I went to pick him up to care for him as usual. At least I thought it was like usual. But the next morning, things were just totally freaky.”

I pause and take a few sips of my coffee, though my heart is racing and I probably shouldn’t have too much. I feel like it might explode. It’s so weird reliving it this way, and I don’t know why, but I feel this sudden judgment.

Addy is one of my best friends and is not going to look at me badly because of my father’s terrible behavior. I know it’s not the case, but my anxiety is getting the better of me.

Addy reaches over and places a hand on my knee comfortingly. It’s all I need to have the strength to go on.

“So anyway, the next morning he’s freaking out. He’s got me thinking maybe he’s on drugs or something, except I can tell he’s stone-cold sober. He’s talking about people coming after him and maybe coming after me. He starts packing everything up and forcing me to pack. He won’t tell me much of anything, and I protest. He basically says that we have to leave and we’re going to live somewhere else. Of course, silly me, I think it’s crazy and I tell him off. I say I have a life here and I’m finally in college and doing well. That he’s not going to put me through this anymore.”

“Don’t beat yourself up over this, Mer, there’s no way you could’ve known. If he’s not trustworthy, there’s no reason for you to have trusted him that day either. Besides, you’re right. You do have a life here. So, did they hurt you?”

I scoff. “It depends what you mean by hurt. Basically, I went for a run here on campus and got duped by someone who was asking for directions. They seemed like they were looking for someone. Then, I got a needle to the neck. I woke up somewhere strange. I was prepared...” I don’t really feel like going into the exact details. I’m sure she can use her imagination there.

“So anyway, I had to walk across this stage, and before it was my turn, this Russian man pulled me aside to tell me that the reason I was there was because my father had cut and run on them, and owed them a lot of money. Like, an ungodly amount of money. And the only way they could think to get paid back was to sell my virginity to the highest bidder.”

Addy gasps. She’s horrified, and I can’t blame her. If I were in her shoes, and she was in mine, I’d be scared to death that it would be me next. “So…did you have to…?”

Of course, I know what she’s asking. I try not to give anything away. Try not to blush or anything. Because it’s going to become obvious if I do that, that something has happened.

But I didn’t have to do anything. Ironic that I ended up losing my virginity anyway.

I shake my head. “By some miracle, Harlow’s father and a couple of the other members of the MC were there. I guess they were spying on the Russians or something and had been tipped off about the event. I prayed when I saw them that I was saved. Sure enough, they got me out of there so quick. They brought me back to the clubhouse and watched over me to make sure that the shock didn’t cause any other problems, and they got me a new phone. Then, I ended up meeting up with my dad and dealing with him. I don’t know if I’m going to talk to him ever again, to be honest. But here I am, safe and sound, back at school.”

Addy blinks a few times, as if she’s entirely confused by what she just heard. “That’s a hell of a lot to go through in a couple days. I’m surprised you’re back to classes now. Always a good student, I guess,” she says, a bit sarcastically. “But seriously, you’re okay? Because I wouldn’t blame you if you’re not.”

I nod. “It’s kind of weird to explain. I just feel like dwelling on it would be worse. I mean, I was safe, and I got out. There were so many girls there, Addy. So many who had to go home with evil, disgusting men. I can’t even imagine what they had to go through. But I’m okay. And that’s what matters. It’s mostly that I’m still angry at my father, more than being traumatized or anything.”

I pause, then add, “You should probably also know that just in case everything goes south with the Russians again, we have some of the MC prospects watching over the campus and my dorm. So, not that I think you have any reason to be involved, but you’ll be safe too.”

Addy sticks her coffee up in the air like it’s an alcoholic drink and clinks it up against mine. “Well, cheers to that. Is one of them Match?” she dares to ask, and all I can do is laugh.

“No, I don’t think so, but you’re shameless. I bet you get him to hook up with you by the end of the month.”

She grins. “That might be a bet I’ll take.”

It’s Friday now, and I don’t know how the hell I’m going to keep hiding these new relationships I have, given that none of them will leave me alone. Dart, Trap, and Grizzly have all been interrupting class for the last couple of days as they send me text messages to check up on me. But checking up on me has turned into some intriguing and addictive sexting as well.

Addy keeps catching me walking away with my phone and sending text messages, and she’s even tried to get a hold of the dang thing to see who I’m talking to. Though it doesn’t help that I can’t keep the goofy grin off my face every time I hear from them. I’m so bad at this secret-keeping thing.

I’ve become like a criminal, constantly seeking a way to text these men. Do they even know that the others are doing this too?

I’m walking out of my last class for the day, wondering if there’s going to be an opportunity to see them this weekend, when I hear the crunching of grass behind me. I’m pretty sure it’s Addy trying to sneak up on me, so I quickly lock my phone and tuck it in my purse. I don’t need her seeing that. Not only would she be shocked to see sweet Meredith sending messages like these, but she would ask about who they’re for. I don’t know if I can lie to her face.

Hands cover my eyes like we’re in high school again, and I stop walking when she goes, “Guess who.”

“Is it a Victoria’s Secret model?”

“Ha. Ha.” She comes around me with a big grin on her face. “I saw you on the phone again. You can try to keep your secrets, but I’m going to figure them out. So, have any plans for the weekend?” She wiggles her eyebrows at me scandalously.

“As of right now, not a thing.”