I’m being offered a chance to choose between three men.
But this is too much fun. Way too much fun for a good girl like me. And I’m afraid I might use it to my advantage.
I think of Harlow, and I get the craziest idea I’ve had in my whole life. If she can have her men, why can’t I have all three?
The address comes through. I smirk and unlock the door to my dorm room with the extra key under the mat. I’m going to dress strategically, and then I want to meet them with confidence. I’ll tell them I expect I can have all of them, or I will have none.
There’s no clock in this rental house. The gas doesn’t even turn on. And yet, I swear I hear a ticking noise getting louder and louder in my head, causing it to feel like it’s bursting. All three of us have been waiting here together for Meredith to show up and tell us which one of us she wants to be with.
She’s at least five minutes late now, though I don’t dare look at my cell phone to confirm. I’m trying to keep my eyes trained on my feet or the wall, anywhere but the two men who are up against me here.
I could pull rank. I could simply say that I’m no longer going along with this bullshit plan to have Meredith choose. I could say she’s mine, and they would have to obey it.
But they’d be pissed at me forever. And honestly, Meredith might be too. Because if she’s got feelings for one of these two and I take the chance to be with them away from her…well, I’d be pissed off too. That’s not the way you treat a woman, not a real one who you want a future with.
Future. That’s fucking laughable. I’m an old man, a grump and a widower. What future is there to have with me? Of course, she’s not going to choose me. I don’t even know why I fucking bothered to show up.
Neither of these two assholes are a whole hell of a lot younger than me, but they don’t have the same baggage I do. They don’t have a daughter whose heart is involved in this. Would Harlow ever forgive me if I get with her best friend? If I fuck her? If I marry her?
Not that I’m thinking of marrying this girl. Not right now. But when I play, I play for keeps.
Sure, I eventually forgave my officers for taking my daughter’s virginity. For making babies with her. For being with her behind my back. But that was only because it was for her happiness.
It’s not Harlow’s responsibility to worry about her old man’s happiness.
There’s a knock at the door, and we all look at each other. If I look anything like the two of them, our tension is going to be so obvious. We’ll look like a bunch of pitiful, weak motherfuckers when she comes in here.
Dart walks off to open the door, and I just know it’s her.
The scent of coconut hits me first. It’s always what she smells like. Maybe it’s her shampoo or some kind of perfume. Doesn’t matter.
She’s here, and I haven’t been this nervous in fifteen or twenty years.
I watch as Trap’s jaw drops to the floor when she walks into the room. This innocent, sweet, sexy girl—she knows what the hell she’s doing. She’s put on makeup, and a tight little skirt and some fishnets. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun, and she’s got that Egyptian smoky eye going on, or whatever the hell they’re calling it. She’s dessert walking, and I’m getting hungry all of a sudden.
“Before any of you say anything, there’s something I need to say,” she says, standing tall and taking control of the room.
I’m surprised. I know her as a shy little thing. Always doing the right thing. Always being quiet in the corner.
This is a new side to her, and I’m curious as hell to find out what she has to say.
We all obey her, as if she’s suddenly become the alpha in the room. We’re just her lost pups. How fucking pathetic. It’s only for this woman I could be this way, now my love is dead. Long dead.
“I don’t want to choose,” she says, looking around at us like she expects some kind of reaction.
After a moment of silence, Trap starts laughing. Dart’s just standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, standoffish. I blink a few times, trying to wrap my head around what she just said.
My own daughter made the same declaration to three men not too long ago. Now she has two beautiful babies with them, and only heaven knows who the actual father is. They’re happy with the babies belonging equally to all three of them.
But with the three of us…I don’t know how the hell that would even work. The dynamics are fucking ridiculous. I’m the Prez. It’s always going to be them looking at me for permission. Not to mention, I feel like the stakes of being with Meredith are too high.
“What’s so damn funny?” she finally asks Trap.
It’s me who answers, because the question only makes Trap laugh harder. “Darlin’, let me break it down for you. I’m more than the boss of these guys. You know what it means to be Prez. The dynamic wouldn’t work. We could barely get along just being in the same room with you to make sure you were okay. You think we can fucking share you? I respect anything you say, because if I’m being honest, I want you—bad enough that I’m willing to risk my relationship with the most important woman in my life, my daughter, just to have you even if it’s only once. But I don’t want your heart getting broken, and I don’t want you having any false hopes.”