Page 26 of Motorycle Daddies

“I will. I don’t want to push you into anything, so I’ll have one of the prospects take you wherever need to go. You’ll be in good hands. But first, there’s just something I have to do to make things clear.”

Grizzly’s going to kill me when he finds out about this. Dart probably is too. But I lean down, put my hands on either side of Meredith’s face, and kiss her like there’s no tomorrow.



Shortly after Trap left the room with Meredith, Grizzly kicks me out. I figure he’s going to end up down there with her at some point, or maybe going to find Harlow himself to talk to her first.

I go back to my own room, feeling antsy about the idea that I was leaving Trap alone with Meredith. I don’t think she’s in danger or some shit like that, but the fact is—I’m not stupid.

He has it bad for her. Trap made it clear to me with his behavior this morning, wanting to do the exact same thing as me—coming to check on her and see what the hell happened with Grizzly last night.

Watching the dynamic between Grizzly and Meredith fucking sucked. There is definitely something going on there, some kind of electricity between them that I can’t put my finger on. But I’m pretty sure he hasn’t fucked her.

He’s a better man than I am. I’m sure he was a perfect gentleman last night, considering what she’d been through. But it takes a lot of willpower for a man to look at someone who looks as good as Meredith and not take advantage.

But maybe it’s my history with her, the fact that I saw her first. At least, in that way.

Before, it never seemed like a possibility that we would be anything but a flirtation. Two people just looking each other up and down and playing a game.

Going after the president’s daughter’s best friend is not exactly a good look for me, especially considering my status in the MC. I don’t have the same clout as others.

Honestly, when his officers started fucking Grizzly’s daughter, I thought for sure even they would be out the door. The only reason they’re not is because he’s known them most of his life.

I’m an outsider, plain and simple. And it’s only because of Trap that I was even there for this whole thing to go down.

I pick up my cell phone and look for any missed messages. Not that I have a whole lot of family out there, but my brother checks in every once in a while. I was glad to find out a month ago he got out of prison. Seems to want to stay out for good this time, but doesn’t want anything to do with the MC, for obvious reasons. He’s too scared of his record.

As I make my way through the clubhouse toward the door, thinking about going on a ride to clear my head about all this Meredith shit, I spot her.

Her beautiful hair is being blown by the wind, and I notice that her head is tipped up toward someone. As I get closer, I can see that Trap is basically sucking her fucking face off.

Without a second thought, I barge through the doors, almost pulling one off the hinges. I take the steps going down to the parking lot two at a time and, despite my smaller stature compared to Trap, I reach up from behind and yank on Trap’s collar. I use all my strength to pull him off of her.

I grit my teeth and nod to Meredith, who looks stunned, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. “Sorry about this, sweetheart. Me and this one have some things to talk about. I’ll send Rap out here to get you out. Get you where you need to go, if that’s what you’re doing.”

She nods, still a deer in headlights.

Trap looks at me like he could kill.

“You’re coming with me, and we’re working this out now,” I say. I don’t think I’ve ever sounded so convincing, especially to someone above my status here. Trap may not be an officer, but if there was another position, he’d have it.

Trap looks at me like a wild animal, but comes along well enough that all I have to do is keep my hand at his collar, not really tugging on it.

We easily find Rap at the pool table. He’s always been an early riser, and he takes early afternoon watch and then takes a nap. Trap’s the one who gives the order to take Meredith and keep her safe, and then he puts a detail on her.

I assume that by now Grizzly’s in his office, so that’s the direction I turn.

A few steps down the hall, and there it is. I bang on the door as a warning before I enter, in case he’s letting out all of that lust for Meredith with some club whore. It wouldn’t be the first time any of us walked in on him getting blown.

The thing is, we all need to talk, and we need to do it now.

I open the door after giving the warning and find he’s alone at his desk, twiddling his thumbs while he looks at some paperwork. I practically throw Trap toward the seat in front of the desk. I take the one to right.

“Now, what the hell is this all about?” Trap says, practically spitting on me.

“Have you forgotten this is my damn office? You two assholes get out or spit it out.”