“Grizzly,” I say, flabbergasted that he’s already back so soon. “I’m fine.”
“She’s fine!” Farrah says, shaking her head at Grizzly for intruding on the party. “I know you’re a worried soon-to-be papa, but I promise she’s in good hands.”
“I just needed to see,” Grizzly says, rubbing my arm.
Farrah points toward the exit. “The exit is that way, sir! I will call you if we need you, I swear.”
Grizzly reluctantly walks toward the exit, but he keeps looking over his shoulder. Farrah is shooing him away with her hands. I understand why he’s so protective, but the degree to which he can’t pull himself away from me at this point is as concerning as it is endearing.
The chair with balloons and streamers is right in the center while everyone else is at their tables and facing my direction. I’m not sure how I feel being the center of attention, but it comes with the territory. I’ve barely gotten anything for the baby myself, so I know it’s necessary.
Farrah brings me the gifts off the table, and I’m elated to open some of the cutest items. There are gifts from Harlow and a few gifts from Farrah even though we only just met. I hold up the tiny, cute outfits with sayings like Daddy’s Little Blessing and Mommy’s Little Monster.
I smile when I come across Addy’s gift. It’s an entire basket of items wrapped in cellophane. I take out a pacifier and a rattle. I wave at Addy and hold up the items in appreciation. I can’t believe how soon I’ll be able to use such things. I lean down to look for more items to hold up and put on display when I feel a wetness forming between my legs.
I don’t know what to do at first. I’m convinced that in the distraction of the party I forgot to go the bathroom and I’ve peed myself. I’m mortified and I’m not exactly sure what to do. I look over at Farrah, and she can tell from the panic on my face that something is happening.
Before I know it, she’s at my side and asking me what’s wrong. I explain that I have a huge puddle between my legs and I’m not sure what it means. I don’t know what I expect her to do exactly, but she instinctively investigates further.
“It doesn’t smell like pee,” she says.
“Okay,” I say, paralyzed and not sure what to do next.
“I think your water broke,” she says. She sounds calm, with a hint of panic somewhere in the mix. I’m sure she’s trying not to completely freak me out. She’s obviously over her head here.
“Grizzly!” she shouts. “Someone call Grizzly.”
But no one needs to call. As soon as she says the words, Grizzly appears in the doorway again. He must have been hovering right outside the exit, despite being kicked out. The man can’t help but keep me in arm’s reach these days.
He’s at my side almost immediately and helping me up off the chair. I’m not feeling any contractions yet, but I know he’s already thinking that if this is a fast labor I could end up birthing in front of a whole crowd at my baby shower. He helps me to his car, opening the door for me and making sure that I sit down in the passenger seat as gingerly as possible.
“How far is the hospital from here?” I ask as he gets into the car.
“About half an hour.”
“Okay, let’s go then.”
As a first-time mom, I’m a bundle of nerves, and I want to get there as fast as possible. I make some calls in the car to tell Dart and Trap to meet us at the hospital. Both rush off the phone in order to make it there. I squeeze Grizzly’s hand the rest of the way as the contractions begin to pick up. It’s just as I feared. They’re coming on fast and coming on strong.
By the time we arrive at the hospital, I can barely walk. They wheel me up to the second floor and have me lie on the bed to check how dilated I am. The nurse opens her eyes, surprised.
“This baby wants to come meet you so bad.”
I look at the clock and hope everyone will be in the room in time. I’m in more pain than I ever anticipated. I feel like I’m going to break Grizzly’s hand with how hard I’m squeezing it.
It isn’t much longer that I feel the urge to push. Suddenly, Dart and Trap race through the door together and stand at my side. The nurses look confused at first as to why there are so many men in the room, but I try my best to assure them through labored breaths that it’s alright.
“Alright,” the doctor says as she enters the room. “I heard there’s a baby eager to make their big debut. I’m going to need you to push, Meredith, when you feel the urge.”
Grizzly takes one of my legs and Trap takes the other, helping keep my legs open while Dart moves into position to stand at my side, brushing my hair and telling me what an amazing job I’m doing. My body feels an even stronger urge to push now that they’re all with me.
It’s only a few pushes before I see a baby in the doctor’s arms. I wait to hear the cries because I want to know the baby is alright. I look around at everybody’s faces, checking for smiles or concern. It’s the longest few seconds of my life, but then I hear the little cries.
I let myself fall back on the hospital bed to catch my breath, relief washing over me.
I turn to Dart and ask, “What is it? Is it a boy or a girl?”
“A baby girl,” he says. “A beautiful girl, just like you.”