She nudges me and laughs heartily, causing me to laugh as well. Our once sobs turn to giggles as we lock eyes. It feels good to be laughing with her when so many things have gone wrong.
My body throbs and my head aches, but I think as long as I can be right here in this moment, I will be alright.
Afew of the guys from the house were brought back to the clubhouse and questioned. Some of the questioning got rather colorful, resulting in Dart and I having a little fun before we were given the answers that we needed.
We tend to almost always get the information we need by force. Not that we always want it to come to that, but it does from time to time. This was one of those times, and it felt nice to get some frustrations out. The informants will live for now, but that status might change if the information we got is wrong or if they’ve lied to us in any way.
With how much they squealed, I know in my gut that the information they had…is the truth.
It’s just a truth I’m not sure I want to tell to the one person it needs to be told to—Meredith.
Trap joined us just after the festivities, once his arm had been bandaged up. I’m happy he’s no longer bleeding everywhere, but the son of a bitch needs to quit getting shot and stabbed. If we keep getting hurt like this, I don’t know if even Lifesaver will be able to fix us.
I look over at the exact same time the others do and see Meredith walking down the steps. I frown involuntarily. The information we received from the interrogation is not pretty, but the fact that it involves her makes it that much worse.
“What’s wrong?” she asks as she joins our little circle to the side of the pool room.
“You’re not going to like it,” Dart admits with a frown of his own.
“I don’t like any of this, so what difference is it going to make? Spill,” she commands with her arms folded across her chest. “But first, how are you?” she asks Trap.
“I’ll live,” Trap responds.
His ripped tank shows both of his arms are bandaged.
He’s tough, and I know he’s going to be okay, but I hate it when any of our guys get hurt. Let alone killed, like the prospects today.
“So, Dart found some information out the other day that pointed to your father. Upon further interrogation of some of the suspects today, we found out a little more information,” I begin.
“We hadn’t said anything to you before now because we didn’t know if it was true, and there was no reason to upset you unless we confirmed it,” Dart adds.
“That’s understandable.” Meredith frowns as she leans into the wall and relaxes a little.
I can’t help but look her up and down as she does so. She is so damn beautiful, and the prospect of her being pregnant with my baby is enough to send me over the edge right here and now. I don’t give a damn which guy that baby belongs to—if she’ll have us, we’ll do this together.
But for now, there are more important things to deal with…like her fucking good-for-nothing father.
“It turns out that your father’s debts with the Bratva are so great,” I say with a frown, “that he’s essentially paying them in women.”
“What do you mean?” she asks as her eyes dart back and forth between all three of us.
“You yourself know exactly what it’s like to be involved in a trafficking situation,” Trap says. “Your father all but sold you into it,” he adds, and I can tell that it’s all sinking in.
“He’s basically been providing the women for the trafficking ring. It’s all as a payback for his debt, and yes, he obviously involved you for a reason,” Dart finishes.
“So, he was willing to give me up as payment for his debt?” Meredith says, and I can see the fire dancing behind her eyes.
“Not completely pay it off. There have been numerous others that have been taken—all under his advisement it would seem,” I add with venom in my voice.
“If only we could catch him in the act…make him pay,” Meredith says with a sniff that mimics crying, but it’s all just anger.
“We thought about that, but we don’t want to put anyone else in danger,” Dart adds.
“We would have to find someone who can hold their own,” Trap says.