Page 56 of Motorycle Daddies

I playfully crawl into the bed between them, and they hoot and holler like they’re construction workers watching a woman in high heels walk down the road.

I collapse onto my belly and pick up the movies, sifting through them.

There’s a really good mix here—comedies, dramas, action movies, and even a couple of romance movies. I look at a few of them before I decide on three possibilities.

“Which one do you two want out of these?” I ask them.

“So, not The Hobbit then?” Trap says with a frown.

“You’ll have us all falling asleep with that,” Dart criticizes.

“No way, it’s the most interesting of all the Lord of the Rings universe books. Now we have to watch it.”

Trap digs into the pile that I’ve left behind and pulls it out as if he’s going to put it in.

“Hey now, I thought I was supposed to be choosing. I only asked you for help.” I reach for the movie in Trap’s hand, pulling it down so I can put it away only for him to reach over and tickle me.

I laugh, and I end up wrestling with him until I land on top of him. Trap’s face grows serious, and he pulls me in for a kiss.

“Hey, can I get one of those?” Dart says, yanking me toward him and proudly shoving his tongue inside my mouth. My body is on fire as our tongues dance together, Trap’s hands sliding all over my body. Movie choices forgotten, we’re soon a tangle of limbs, clothes thrown to the ground. I lose track of whose hands are whose as they bring me to new peaks of pleasure until I lie spent on the bed, filled with both of their cum, happy and sated.

We put our underwear back on and cuddle on the bed, digging into the food they brought and watching Star Wars. Overall, it’s a pretty damn good night. Around four in the morning I wake up, feeling a little warm and restless, and realize I’m still nestled in between the two of them who are sleeping soundly.

The guilt reawakens as I realize Harlow’s sleeping in the same building while I’m falling in love with these two.

I watch as Trap and Dart get dressed, cleaning up the room from our date night. They won’t let me help at all. “What am I supposed to do today?” I ask them, sounding like some lost puppy or little girl.

“Aren’t you supposed to hang out with your girlfriends?” Trap asks as he buttons up his shirt and looks at me.

“Yeah, maybe later.”

“Then, focus on getting some of your schoolwork done. Without us to distract you,” Dart comments as he heads toward the door.

It’s early in the morning, only a couple hours after I woke up the first time. They want to get out of here before they can get caught. I appreciate them being extra cautious, but there’s a part of me deep down inside that wants to tell them to fuck it all. To just let people find out. Because I’d rather have them here with me.

But that would be selfish for so many reasons. Harlow deserves a full conversation before she catches us together. Not to mention that even as much as Grizzly says they’re not as needed as some of the other members, they are needed to help come up with and implement whatever plan Grizzly’s going to come up with to save the MC from any more trouble.

I walk to the door, not even trying to hide my sadness and frustration. I look up at both of them, each of them giving me a kiss. Then Dart pulls me in. His face turns intense and I’m afraid something awful is coming.

I shove my thumbs in his belt loops, holding on to him for dear life. He grabs my chin and caresses me. “There’s something about you, Meredith. I’ve known you for a long time now. But you’re starting to leave permanent impressions on my heart.” He kisses my hand and places it on top of his chest.

His words are so sweet, I almost cry. I didn’t expect this kind of confession this morning.

“I think I’m falling for you too.” I lean in and give him a soft kiss before looking at Trap. I half-expect him to say something too, but instead, he looks at the ground. I don’t know if he’s just trying to give us privacy in this moment or what. But if I’m being honest, there’s a slight bit of me that feels a twinge of pain at the fact that he has nothing to say that’s even remotely close to what Dart has said.

Dart must notice it too, because he glares at Trap for a moment before both of them walk out the door and tell me to have a good day.

When they’re gone, Mikey’s at the door again. I dive onto the bed and have a look at the movies they left in the room. Maybe I will give The Hobbit a try. Maybe then Trap and I have something to talk about next time I see him, after I basically glared at him for not having anything to say to me in that moment.

I tell myself we’re all just getting used to this whole dynamic. It’s not exactly every day that three men are sharing the same woman in a serious relationship. That can’t be easy for them. The thought leaves me wondering how Grizzly’s feeling about it all.

But do I dare visit when he’s so busy?

No, I’m sure he’ll catch me at some point. He never does seem to stay away for long.