“We’ve been sent some pretty sick photos of Skeeter, and honestly, I’m not sure she’s even still alive at this point. We don’t think it’s safe for you to stay here right now. I want you to pack a bag and come with us back to the clubhouse and stay there for a while,” Grizzly says as he lays a hand on my bare thigh.
I start to protest, but Trap sees it coming and shakes his head no. I bite my tongue. I know if he’s shaking his head, then it’s a serious situation, and I need to listen for once.
But I don’t want to go to the clubhouse—I like having the freedom that I have staying at the dorm. I disregard Trap’s warning and decide to argue against my better judgment.
“Grizzly, I appreciate that you’re trying to keep me safe, but I can’t just come running to the clubhouse every time something happens. My life is here on campus. I have classes every day and all of my things are here in this dorm. Not to mention, if I start staying at the clubhouse all the time, Addy is going to know that something is going on between us. You don’t have to be so protective of me. I’m fine.” I make sure to look all three of them in the eyes.
A low growl rumbles in Grizzly’s chest, and I know then that I’ve made him angry. I lock eyes with Trap, and he shakes his head at me. I’ve always been a good girl who follows directions—I don’t know what it is about these men that makes me want to push back.
“You need to come with us so we can make sure you stay safe. It’s not up for debate, and it’s not a request,” Dart says.
Thirty minutes later, I find myself shoving clothes and other things I need into the saddlebags of their motorcycles. I can’t believe I let them talk me into staying at the clubhouse. I have no idea what excuse I’m going to give Addy for my absence at the dorm, but I know I’ll figure something out. It will be easier to explain my presence at the clubhouse to Harlow than it will be to explain my disappearance from the dorm to Addy.
I’m still a little mad at Grizzly for his interference in my life, so I climb on the back of Trap’s bike. I can tell he likes the fact that I’m riding with him because of the goofy grin that spreads across his face. Grizzly zooms off ahead of us, most likely so he doesn’t have to see me clinging to Trap.
We make it back to the clubhouse and I climb off the bike and start taking my things out of the saddlebags as the guys help. I look up and see Harlow looking out the upstairs window, and I can see the confused look on her face. I start thinking of an explanation for her because I know I’m gonna need one.
I carry my stuff inside and grab a spare room that no one is using. I know I’ll spend most of my time in the guys’ rooms, but no one can know that.
Once I put my things away, I know it’s time to talk to Harlow. My presence here can easily be explained by what’s going on with the Bratva, but I’m still so afraid that she’ll pick up on what’s going on between me and the guys. I just hope she doesn’t.
I wipe my nervous hands on my shorts before walking into the hallway and toward Harlow’s room. Luckily, her room is on a different floor than mine. As long as she stays there or in the rest of the clubhouse, she shouldn’t pass by me and accidentally see me with Dart, Trap, or Grizzly.
Although, Grizzly has already made it clear he’s going to be mostly unavailable for the next week or so. He’s trying to find a way to deal with the situation so I’ll be safe for good. He’s a good man, and I get why he’s doing this. But this makes it so much harder.
I knock on Harlow’s door and wait for someone to answer. I hear muffled voices inside and hope I haven’t interrupted anything important.
My eyes go wide when Grizzly opens the door. I blink, and then we share an awkward glance before we both realize we’re in company who doesn’t know about our relationship. He clears his throat and gives me a wry smile.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” I peek my head in a little and look around him to see Harlow. She smiles and waves at me, baby Daisy in her arms.
I back out and look at Grizzly again. “We were just talking about you,” he says, his eyes glittering with some amusement. I don’t know how he can stand here like this in his daughter’s presence and not feel incredibly guilty. My stomach grumbles and twists, uncomfortable with how we’re trying to hide this in plain sight.
“Oh?” I say, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, I was just telling her how you’re coming to stay for a little bit. And about the fact that it’s not really safe for her to go anywhere either. I’m trusting my best men to keep her safe and keep her in the house.”
Grizzly moves out of the way so I can come into the room. Harlow makes a pouty face at me. “We were supposed to go out on a date night tonight. But I guess date night has to happen at home for now.”
She looks around at her three men, all of them looking extremely somber. Grizzly must’ve shared the same details with Harlow and her men as he did with me. There’s something that warms my heart about the fact he’s being as protective of me as he is of his own daughter. However, it makes me a little bit worried for Addy if they still go looking for me there.
“Yeah, I guess I’ll have to do school at a distance…get my assignments from my professors through email or something.” I shrug, not sure what else to say. This room full of people feels awkward and small. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I swear Grizzly’s looking at me.
“Well, I know you have a lot of work to get to, Dad.” Harlow comes up to Grizzly and gives him a soft peck on the cheek. I watch the spot where she kissed and blush, having to turn away.
As if on cue, Grizzly looks up at me. We share another glance, his eyes glittering, but he quickly looks away. No one seems to notice anything even though the air is full of electricity. How much longer are we going to be able to hide this with us being in the same building all the time?
“You’re right. I have to come up with a plan to protect everyone. I don’t want any member getting left behind. I don’t want any more women being kidnapped.” He frowns, furrowing his brow at both of us. The worry’s obvious, and it’s aging him at least another ten years. I want to just reach out and hold his hand and let him know it’s going to be okay, that he’s strong enough to figure all this out. But I can’t. There would be far too many questions.
“Keep us updated?” is all I can think to say as he walks out of the room. He gives me an odd look and then shuts the door behind him.
Now, I’m alone with Harlow and her three significant others.
I walk over to the baby in Harlow’s arms and give her little hand a shake and place a kiss on her forehead. Her skin is so soft. And she smells like lemons.
“You think they’ll always stay this cute?” Harlow asks, looking at her child with pride.
“Any child of yours, absolutely.”