I’m so angry that I don’t even have a plan on how I’m going to get back at the other club for what they’ve done. Even if they’re not the ones that took her directly, I know they had something to do with it, and they’re going to pay either way.
“Do we have an idea of how we’re gonna do this?” Colt asks as he lights a cigarette from his pocket.
“We need to think of a plan before we roll up on them. We can’t just go in there without having an idea of what we’re going to do,” I tell him as I take a long drag of my own cigarette.
“Well, they’ve tried to get us where it hurts the most, we need to do the same to them. What can we take away from them that would make it hard for them to even have a club?” Colt asks me as he tosses his cigarette to the ground.
“Colt, you’re a fucking genius. You want to torch the clubhouse, don’t you?” I ask with a wide smile on my face.
He nods with a smile on his face, and the other guys that are with us chuckle. I know if we do this they’ll come for us in an even bigger way, but it’s the best way I know to show them they shouldn’t mess with us.
“I think we can all agree that torching their clubhouse would be the best way to show them they’ve messed with the wrong club. Am I right?” Colt asks as we all head toward our bikes.
“You know that if we do this, they could come for us in an even bigger way then they already have?” I ask him.
“Yeah, I’ve thought of that, but what else can we do to them that will hurt them as bad as burning down their clubhouse will?” he asks me in return.
Colt is right and I know it. I start my bike and make my way out of the trees as we get back on the road and head toward the Cobra’s clubhouse. I force my bike forward at a high-speed, trying to let the wind knock the anger out of me.
I look around me at the group of guys speeding down the road with me. They all have a look of hatred on their faces. Colt and I are riding side by side, and I can tell he’s just as angry as I am. If the Cobras have been working with the Bratva for long, it could mean that they had something to do with Harlow getting kidnapped, and maybe even Meredith.
We stop down the road from the rival clubhouse and park our bikes behind a row of trees so we can’t be seen from the road.
When it comes into view, I can see that there are no bikes out front. I find it a little strange that no one is there, since it’s the middle of the night. Something tells me it could be a setup, but maybe they’re all just on a run somewhere.
I smile as I think of the nice surprise they’re going to get when they come back and find their precious clubhouse torched to the ground.
I pull rags out of my saddle bags and Colt grabs lighter fluid to douse the rags in. We sneak around the clubhouse and find a few open windows. We light the rags with our cigarette lighters and toss them in the windows. It doesn’t take long for the curtains to catch, and the clubhouse goes up in flames. We hurry back to our bikes as the flames get higher. We hide in another patch of trees and watch as the chaos happens.
Just as the flames make the other windows burst, bikes start showing up out of nowhere. I can hear screaming and yelling all around as they panic and scream for the fire department to be called. I can’t help the sick sadistic smile that twists my face as I watch the thing they love the most burn to the ground. My thoughts return to Skeeter, and I hope she’ll be brought back to us safely. I know deep down that it’s a fantasy, but I can’t help but wish for it.
We push our bikes back down the road aways before we start them up and head back to the clubhouse. I can’t wait to tell Grizzly about the looks on their faces when they pulled up to see their clubhouse on fire. I know hearing about it will make him happier than he’s been for a while.
My mind drifts to Meredith, and I hope she’s okay. I made sure she got back to her dorm without incident, even though I couldn’t tell her what was going on. I know Grizzly will want to do that once he has more information. I look in my mirror one more time to see the flames rising high before I crest the hill and their clubhouse is no longer visible.
Part of me feels bad for what we just did, but another part of me wants to do even more to them. And depending on the damage done to Skeeter, I might just do more.
It’s been days since I found out what happened at the club, and I’ve been smothered by the guys ever since. I constantly find them sitting on their bikes when I come out of class or sitting in the parking lot of the dorm. Addy is getting very suspicious, but I’ve told her there’s something going on that warrants their behavior.
I’m lying on my bed reading when there’s a loud knock on the door.
“Mer, open the door,” Grizzly growls from the other side.
I sigh and get up from the bed to let him in. “What is it, Grizzly?” I ask, annoyance lacing my tone.
Before he can answer me, Dart and Trap come through the door as well. I roll my eyes at their presence, and I turn to glare at Grizzly.
“Don’t look at me like that or I’ll throw you over my knee and spank you,” he grumbles.
“Hmm, don’t threaten me with a good time,” I chuckle. “Seriously, why are you all here?”
“I need you to do what I say and not argue with me about it,” Grizzly says as he sits down on the edge of my bed.
“Will you just tell me what the fuck is going on, please? You’re starting to scare me,” I say as I sit beside him, locking eyes with Dart.