Page 37 of Motorycle Daddies

Before she can say anything else, Addy comes up to us. She’s fanning herself and I wonder if she’s hot or if she’s just seen some hot guy doing some hot guy shit.

“With all these people, it’s bound to be fucking hot in here.” Addy smiles as she continues to fan herself, and I know now that she means that both literally and figuratively.

I smile as I see her eyes scanning over all the men in the crowd.

Harlow finally nods as if putting a pin in my answer as she orders us a round of drinks. Once the three of us have drinks in hand despite me protesting that I am the DD, we find a place to sit for a bit that’s a little more quiet and a little less…hot.

“You know Rap?” Harlow asks, pointing.

Rap is more dressed up than I’ve seen him, with tight dark-wash jeans, a dress shirt, and a leather vest. His hair is slicked back, but not in a greasy way, just like he paid more attention to it than usual.

“I think I know who that is,” Addy says, making it irrelevant for me to say anything.

I’m happy for that, since I haven’t exactly figured out how I’m going to tell Harlow about everything that’s happened, including the reason her dad has sent Rap to be my guard dog for a few days.

“What about him?” I ask, seeing that both of them have noticed me getting lost in my own thoughts.

“He’s getting patched in today,” Harlow says.

“Oh yeah…is that all he’s getting?” Addy asks with a smirk.

“Oh yeah,” Harlow says, sarcastically. “Patched, cut, tatted, and everything…and slutted out to a club whore most likely.”

“Aw, he’s finally going to be a member,” Addy says, and I laugh, enjoying their banter.

“It’s a big celebration,” I admit as I sip my drink again. I smile, knowing he deserves it. All the guys who finally get patched in do.

“I’ll have to be sure to find him and give him my congratulations,” Addy says, and I giggle.

“You do that.” I smile at her as I take a drink again, realizing I’m getting drunk a lot faster than I should.

“Isn’t he the guy with all of the…” Addy asks, circling a finger around her face to represent all the piercings he has.

Harlow laughs. “Yeah, that would be him. But he’s a sweetheart.”

I still have to talk to Harlow about what happened. She still doesn’t know, mostly because I’ve been too busy with class and texting to get a hold of her, and she’s too busy being a mother so I just haven’t wanted to bother her. Addy is right—it’s weird not to see or hear from Harlow every day.

Not when we’ve been so used to talking every day.

I smile when an older woman approaches with three shots on a tray. “Guy over at the bar bought these for you three girls,” she says as she holds them out to us.

I reach behind me and grab my tequila shot, and all of us drown one down with a silent cheers.

“Well, ladies,” Harlow says, and it sounds as if she’s trying to leave.

“No…” Addy whines. “Is your party over for the night?” I don’t say anything—I know Harlow has other responsibilities.

“It’s really loud down here, and I need to relieve a couple of my guys from baby duty. It’s not fair for them to stay up there with the twins and not get to celebrate,” she adds, and I stand to hug her.

“We understand,” I say, but in truth, I’d love to go up with her rather than stay down here in the bump and grind.

Harlow must read that in my features. “Do you want to come up with me, or stay down here at the party?”

I skim my eyes around the place, wondering if I might see Dart or Trap. I catch Dart over by the pool table, but neither Trap nor Grizzly appear in my line of sight. I half wonder if the shots were from one of them, but I don’t want to assume.

It’s probably best I don’t run into them in front of Harlow, especially before I get to tell her what happened. She deserves to know.

“I’ll come up with you,” I say.