Page 27 of Motorycle Daddies

Grizzly’s in the worst mood I’ve ever seen.


“We need to talk about what the hell to do about the fact that all three of us want Meredith.” I leave everything on the table, nothing left to lose. “Don’t anybody fucking deny it. We all know it. So, let’s get to the bottom of this. Are we going to let Grizzly win just because he’s the Prez, or how do we handle this dispute? Because it could get fucking ugly if we don’t do anything, especially considering I just caught this monkey kissing her.”

I point to Trap, and something flashes across Grizzly’s face. The kind of look he tends to give to enemies right before he murders them.

But then Grizzly leans back in his chair, putting his feet up next to the paperwork on his desk. He tries to play it cool, but I know just like me, there’s a war raging under the surface as he tries to figure out how he’s going to win this incredible woman.

How he’s going to get her into his bed again.

“It doesn’t even matter. She’s my daughter’s best friend. After everything I said to her and the officers when she wanted to be with them…” Grizzly shakes his head, not needing to say anything further for us to understand.

He continues, “I’ll never actually get to be with her. And I don’t even know if she’s actually attracted to me anyway. Kinda goes both ways, doesn’t it?”

Grizzly looks away as if there might be something mighty interesting in the corner of the room.

I scoff, but it’s Trap who speaks up. “That’s a load of bullshit, and you know it. I’ve seen the way you look at her. And the way you acted last night, the way you wouldn’t let anyone else touch her first. So, why don’t you claim her and get it over with?”

Grizzly pops up out of his chair, about to make a move like an angry bear. It’s the stance that got him his name, given to him by his father who held the position before him. We’ve all heard the stories.

“Hold on a damn minute. This isn’t about some boxing match or some show of testosterone. This is literally about her.” I put my hands up when I say it, emphasizing that they need to cut their shit. Normally, no one has the audacity to act like this to Grizzly, but I’m trying to protect them as much as I am trying to make sure we all get what we want and so does Meredith.

“Fine.” Grizzly sits down, pulling a pocketknife out and stabbing it into his table angrily. “We do need to fucking figure this out. Before it kills us all. But I want to leave it up to Meredith. It should be up to her to decide.”

We all sit silent. Of course, I knew this was a possibility. Just let her choose. I want to think that if she does, I’ll have the advantage. But it’s the twenty-first century, and women can make a whole hell of a lot of choices. Hell, she could choose none of us, for that matter. Especially if she realizes we’re fighting like this.

“Fine. I have an idea. Trap, what is she doing right now? You’re the one who was giving her the big send-off.”

The side of Trap’s mouth quirks up in a smirk.

“She got an email from her dad. Went to meet him and see what she could get as far as information. But she mentioned maybe needing a couple things from her house or her dorm. I don’t know. Maybe we can get a hold of Rap and find out.” He shrugs.

Grizzly lets out a grunt. “What’s going on in that head of yours, Dart?”

“You mean other than the fact that we need a bottle of whiskey?” I ask, causing all of us to chuckle. It only serves to break the tension for a millisecond. “I’m thinking of getting ahold of her and inviting her somewhere. Somewhere completely neutral and private, where we can lay all the cards on the table and leave it in her hands.”

Grizzly nods. “You’re probably right. But don’t let it go to your head.” He slides his cell phone out to the middle of the table. “Her phone number and email should be in there. I have it in case of emergencies with Harlow, but I’ve never actually used it. I’ve already got her a new phone, was able to transfer her old number, and I sent one of the prospects to drop it off at her dorm. Go ahead and get a hold of her. Invite her to one of your rentals. Don’t you have one free right now?” He looks up at me for confirmation.

I cross my arms over my chest, feeling smug. “As a matter of fact, there is one vacant right now. I’m in between occupants. And it has staged furniture. I can invite her to come over there when she’s done with her dad.”

The agreement between us is unspoken. I know everyone feels the same way with their nods and intense looks.

Now, all I have to do is pick up the phone and do what Grizzly said. Then, we’ll all know our fate with her—which one of us would be the lucky asshole to take Meredith’s virginity one day.



As I hop on the back of yet another bike, Trap’s kiss is still running like electricity through my body. He’s the one I know the least, but the first one to really take the initiative to make it clear that he wants something from me. I can’t say I don’t want it too.

But I find myself thinking of Dart and Grizzly as well, feeling almost guilty as I ride off on the back of the bike of someone named Rap. Well, that isn’t his real name, but it’s what he goes by here.

I remember the way Grizzly kept getting hard every time he looked at me, though he was gentlemanly enough not to act on it. The way he was so possessive and protective of me all night, watching over me. And I let myself think about it for a few moments—what it would be like to be protected by him for the rest of my life…how his big, strong hands would feel on my body. It’s not like I have a lot of experience to go by, but I think it would be pretty freaking hot.

But Dart, something about him makes me feral. It’s an out-of-body experience. I wish it was him who kissed me first, and judging by his behavior with Trap, I think he probably feels the same way. I hope their little talk doesn’t involve broken noses. I would hate for that to happen over me.

My dad doesn’t even make a fuss over me. Not enough of one, anyway.