Page 55 of Group Studies

A hot tear slid down my face, and along with it anger. I focused on Ram’s magic. “Stop.”

The pressure on my neck vanished, as did the tendrils of power invading my thighs. I gasped for air and steadied myself on the stack of books. Anger washed out my self-pity and fear. For weeks, I’d cried because of the results of my actions. Well, I’d not done anything this time. Alrick stalked me, waited until he knew Ashe wasn’t with me, and then invaded my home. My spot in the library! My entire body vibrated with anger. I sank into my mage trance, but only enough so Alrick’s near black magic appeared in my vision.

“Release the video,” I said. My voice sounded too flat and calm for the anger humming under my skin. “The Institute already thinks I’m a slut. Go ahead and tell anyone you want about your theory on Ashe. You’ve got nothing, no proof. I’m the butt end of the dragon joke. Let’s see if you fare any better than me.”

I reached out and cupped his cheek, swirling my thumb in the dark-purple fog of indistinct power woven through his body. “Do whatever you want but leave me and my people alone.” I pushed my words into him, focusing on his magic, his very essence.

Blinding heat rolled from my toes to the top of my head. Moisture pooled between my legs. I almost cried out with joy and ecstasy to feel my magic moving at my command. My crystal rainbows sunk into Alrick’s center, lightening his magic. Just as fast, it returned to its normal color, not even a trace of my magic swirling with his.

I pulled my hand from his cheek like it burned me. My fingers trembled as I stared at them with Alrick’s blurry wide eyes in the background. Joy, exhilaration, and fear made me light-headed. I used my magic. Although my nerve endings tingled, it wasn’t with a need for the asshole in front of me. It was my need.

Alrick’s phone tumbled from his hand as he jerked away from me.

I turned, only to find Ram gone with Alice observing the exchange. My reflection wavered in the librarian's glasses.

The reality of what I’d done crashed into me. My buzzing joy evaporated.

Pride filled the librarian's gaze. “You defended yourself. I told you when you first got here: choices are made up of shades of gray. Hand me his phone.”

I did.

Alice hit some buttons. The thing beeped before the screen flashed blue a few times before she tossed it back to Alrick. “I’ve reset it. Everything’s wiped clean.”

Alrick fumbled his catch, his face white as a sheet. A confusing mix of guilt and satisfaction filled me. He slowly backed away before turning and darting for the entrance to the library.

Alice folded her hands together. “I have to write an incident report.” She glanced at one of the cameras which had a perfect view of everything . “But it’s too late to get it done tonight. My shift doesn’t start until tomorrow afternoon. Do you understand?”

I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut. Mixed emotions tore at my very soul.

“You were attacked by two students,” Alice reiterated. I opened my eyes. “One of whom has a history of violence against you. I believe you’ve done nothing wrong, but the MA is here. Make sure they know you’ve done nothing wrong.”

I stiffened. My scales. She was talking about my scales. My magic sank into Alrick and disappeared, but if anyone found my scales, it would prove everything Alrick said was true.

My fingers dug into my shoulder and I desperately tried to pull on my long gone braid as I calmly walked toward the exit.

I needed to figure this out and fast.

Chapter 10

I sat on my bed, slightly rocking back and forth with my turtle pressed to my abdomen. My phone lay in front of me with two dragon scales on either side of it. About half the size of my phone, they glittered, sending tiny rainbows all over the inside of my shell. It should be magical and lovely, but all I saw was my power anchoring in Alrick and Operation DUMP falling apart around me.

The MA had access to every text message I sent, I couldn’t contact anyone for help unless I found them in person. But even then, unless the cameras were down, they would see us together.

My phone screen lit up and chimed with a notification.

Ashe: You’re not in the alchemy lab or the library.

I nodded and then realized, like an idiot, he couldn’t see my nod.

A: I went to bed early. See you in the morning.

Ashe: Fuck, you’re avoiding me. We need to talk.

We did. We’d not talked about anything. I transferred into him, drawn him to me, even talked him into a threesome with a man he didn’t know, I really was the manipulative snake Mercedes accused me of being. Instead of typing any of that, I responded to his text with a “K” and put down my phone.

I had forty-five minutes before I had to be in Abe’s office with the potion I made to help my mental defenses. Except I didn’t have one. The only potions I made were for operation DUMP. What was more critical, hiding my scales or somehow faking a potion?

I’d no idea how to do either. I scrubbed my short hair, pulling out every braid and rocking harder. Nitis didn’t have my supplies, so I couldn’t give him one of my scales yet. Even if I did try to pay him early, I’d still have the second scale to hide. I could run around and see if I found anyone to give them to, but we’d be on camera interacting.