Page 33 of Group Studies

Beryl bent down and kissed me on the forehead. “Nice try, my Goddess.”

He wrapped his arm around my waist and nudged us back into the hall, heading toward my dorm.

I clung to Beryl. “Why are you taking the fall for this?”

“Because I wish someone had stood up for me when I got here,” Beryl said. “Because I’m desperately in love with you, Dot. And desperate for you to not go through the shit I did.” My heart pounded. “Don’t worry about me. You have enough on your plate. Let’s get you back to your Shell so you can get some sleep and see how the MA reacts in the morning. I’m not available for booty calls or lunch dates anymore, but I’m here if things start going sideways.”

“We could be only friends again,” I whispered, wishing I dared to tell him I was in love with him too. But the word ‘love’ would open up a world of insecurities I wasn’t ready to deal with.

“We can’t, Dot. Every time you see me, it takes positivity away from your Aptitudes. I’m not a student here anymore. I’m part of the test. I made sure of it—any time you want to add more shit to my plate, I’m here for you, but otherwise, you have a buffet of options in front of you. Leave me and my crap at your backside and enjoy the feast.”

“Beryl,” I said, my heart breaking all over again.

We came to a halt in front of my dorm room. He leaned down and gently kissed my lips. “Good-bye again, my Goddess. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but play the MA’s game. Stick with Ashe. Stay out of trouble and focus on your Aptitudes. There’s so much good inside you.”

He turned and walked away, taking part of my heart with him.

Quietly, I opened my door and slipped into my Shell. My phone screen lit up as I changed into pj's and buried myself under the covers.

Beryl the Boyfriend: What happened to the naughty wizard at school?

Beryl the Boyfriend: He was ex-spelled.

Chapter 8

My nausea woke me the following morning way too early. I barely made it to the washroom. While sitting and spitting the dregs of my peanut butter and apricot jelly into the toilet, the Dealership came in, already chattering away at God knows what time in the morning.

“You are sooo lucky the uniforms are long-sleeved. That bruise looks exactly like a handprint on your arm, Yasmine,” a light voice said. Lucy. Not that I wanted to remember their names.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Yasmine’s throaty voice replied angrily.

“Ugh, you need to flippin’ report it already,” Mercedes added.

Yasmine scoffed. “To whom, Bitch? It was a PeaceCock that grabbed me. Those arseholes hate us, no matter why they're claiming to be here.”

“RL’s not like this, Beeyatches,” Mercedes said after a moment. “I flippin’ promise when you get out of here, you’ll see.”

The washroom filled with the sounds of make-up being applied.

“Next week’s your anniversary with Saff, right Mercedes?” Yasmine asked.

“It is,” Mercedes answered, her voice much brighter. “I’ve already reminded my man. He’s promised to plan something big for us.”

“That sounds so romantic,” Lucy added. “I hope he finds some Champagne or a bottle of Malbec. I’ve not had liquor since your dad smuggled in a bottle of Gray Goose on your birthday.”

“Lucy, shut up! Why would you bring that up?” Yasmine exclaimed.

“It’s fine,” Mercedes said. “I can still get pregnant while intoxicated. It’s what comes after I’ll have to change.”

“Meaning you’re not pregnant now?” Lucy asked.

“No, I’ve not even needed to take a test,” Mercedes complained. “He’s been holed up with Professor Garnet, working on his Golem or whatever the fudging fork his obsession is. I’ve been here over a year! He knows the minute I’m pregnant, he’s out of here. Our lineage contract will be sealed, and his Aptitudes will automatically be passed. Both our families have contacts in the MA. I know his dad’s told him the same. But he’s so stubborn. He says he wants to earn his right, after the mess he left his family in.”

I held my breath as my stomach turned. If I vomited again, they’d know I’d been eaves dropping. I said a silent prayer it was just once this morning.

“I wish I could get you pregnant,” Yasmine said, the longing in her voice so clear I could almost taste it.

I unconsciously rubbed my arm, grinding my teeth together. Despite everything the Dealership put me through, the MA was in a position of power, and they shouldn’t use it to pick on the people they were supposed to be helping.