Page 59 of Self Studies

Two more boys entered the room, and they started their training. I split my attention between reading Practical Magic Application and watching them.

As much as I disliked Mercedes, the woman looked incredible. Where Saffron’s kicks and punches vibrated the air with their strength, Mercedes flowed like water. The group's warm-ups turned into drills of individual skills which transitioned easily into sparring. I quickly forgot I was trying to study.

Unlike their training, their kicks and punches thudded as they impacted each other at lightning speeds. Sweat glistened on Saffron’s face as he chased Mercedes around their little marked-off space.

Eventually, his kick caught her shoulder. She somehow turned with the momentum and brought them both to the ground. Their pile of limbs didn’t look to be fighting anymore. I averted my eyes as jealousy raised its ugly head.

My phone buzzing distracted me. I reached under my hoodie and pulled it out, the small cable released from my socket.

Beryl the Boyfriend: Mêler pw is Uc=T>-&vP>7fZki

Beryl the Boyfriend: change it as soon as you get in.

Aphrodite: !!

Aphrodite: How did you get it?

Beryl the Boyfriend: I have a finger in every pie.

I was sure he meant it playfully, but it sent a chill of unease up my back.

It took me a couple of tries to guess my username, but not many parents named their kid ‘Aphrodite’ these days, so Advisor Crowe hadn’t needed to get creative. Mêler had a searchable user manual, and soon enough, my password was my own, and I began un-tagging and erasing what I could.

“We’re done.” I jumped at the sound of Saffron’s voice.

His friends were already waiting outside the doorway. I hurried, stuffing my books in my bag and my phone into the outside pocket. I closed my eyes, praying I wouldn’t embarrass myself and braced my legs to attempt to pick it up.

Mercedes’s tinkling laughter should’ve warned me. The bookbag, suddenly not near as heavy, surged off the ground, and I landed on my already bruised butt with a yelp.

My roommate’s laughter cut short as Saffron appeared at my side. His sweaty hand rubbed my shoulder. “Someone put runes in the seams that add weight to it.”

He looked directly at Mercedes.

“I would never,” Mercedes said. “Why would I do something that ridiculous when I could make her go away with one phone call to my dad?”

I blinked rapidly. Could she do that?

Saffron blew out a frustrated breath and scrubbed his hand through his hair. He held out a hand to help me up, and I took it.

“You could try, Mercy,” the guy with the buzzed hair laughed.

“Frick’n try me, Cal,” Mercedes said, stalking toward the door. “I’m not in the mood.”

I turned my attention back to Saffron and rubbed my abused butt. “I guess this is it then.”

Saffron’s frown deepened. His gaze flicked to Mercedes, who openly glared at everything.

“It is.” He said, looking back at me. “Stay away from Professor Garnet.” I nodded. “And Beryl.” He added. “And Ram.” He hesitated. “And Mercedes.”

I kept nodding.

He pushed me out the door, turning off the lights behind us. He and his friends moved toward the cafeteria. Slowly, I trailed after them before finding my small table off to one side.

Draining the last color out of my gem in exchange for something that looked like lasagna, I focused once more on Mêler.

My day had been, once again, filled with ups and downs. It was too many emotions to process, but my biggest victory glowed on my phone screen—a semblance of control over the woman I didn’t want to be.

Chapter 9