Page 89 of Self Studies

I did as he asked, tears streaming down my face. My lips stretched uncomfortably. I started silently screaming as the cold, hard ball pressed against my teeth. He tightened the leather straps behind my head, and my legs gave out. Only Ram’s hands held me up.

Why couldn’t I fight? I didn’t want to be this person anymore.

“Sit, hands to your ankles,” Advisor Crowe commanded.

I did, still screaming ‘no’ in my head. Ram pressed his hands against every inch of me, removing my gem and shoes. As he finished, he crossed my arms and zip-tied them to the opposite ankles. He sucked the middle finger of each of my hands before tightening down the bindings. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks.

“Crowe might not care about the sex,” Ram said, his foul breath right in my face. “But I can’t wait.”

His magic pressed against my skin, brushing my hips and stomach before swirling between my legs. My body responded to the touch, and I gagged around the ball in my mouth. He tried to press an image into my mind, but Alchemist Bickerstaff’s potion kept his thoughts out.

He frowned and cracked his neck. “My girls are waiting for us.” He pinched my breast before turning to Advisor Crowe. “They’ve secured the portal with a little help from Beryl’s gadgets.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to struggle as Ram lifted me. But I couldn’t move. He stuffed my folded-over form into a plain black suitcase. Tears ran around the ball gag as they zipped me in.

The click of a metal lock sealed my fate.

My world became the bumps of cobbled flooring and the uneven rolling of wheels, struggling with the weight of a human instead of clothing. The suitcase lost contact with the ground, and my stomach rolled. I dangled for a moment before, with a thud, the wheels connected with the cobblestones once more.

“Gentle, Ram,” Advisor Crowe’s muffled voice said. “I know I said you could retrain her, but until we are through the portal and hidden from the MA, we must tread with caution.”

I started panting around the ball gag. Sweat ran down my face, and pain shot up my back from my folded position. I wriggled my ankles and wrists. But the zip ties only cut further into my skin, filling the suitcase with a metallic scent.

“Be still,” Ram commanded. He kicked the side of the suitcase, and his foot connected with my lower back. I choked on the gag. Closing my eyes, I tried to sink into my mage-trance. Anything to separate from what was happening, but it wouldn’t come. My magic simmered and moved unhappily under the suppression of the clasps.

“Ram, take us with you.” A feminine voice cut through my panic.

“Help!” I tried to yell, but only a muffled cry came out through the gag.

“Is there someone in the suitcase?” The same voice asked.

“None of your business, Alexa,” Ram commanded. “Do what I told you.”

The woman didn’t speak up again.

The floor began bumping under me once more. Whoever pulled me along slowed. Goosebumps spread over my arms and legs. Pleasant tingles zinged through my system as pulsing magic changed some of my pain receptors to pleasure. I bucked unhappily at the mix of signals.

“What?” Advisor Crowe’s voice exclaimed.

Suddenly lights, so bright they shown through the zipper, left spots in my vision. The brightness dimmed, and I found myself mostly sitting up and still.

“There was no scheduled arrival,” Advisor Crowe’s voice bellowed. “Present your paperwork and identification immediately.”

The sound of low voices and shuffling reached my ears.

“Stay quiet,” Ram whispered harshly before his footsteps went off in the opposite direction.

I strained to hear what was happening—the sound of a beeping tablet and more rustling. A few heavy footsteps stopped somewhere near me.

“I should be asking you the same thing,” I made out another male voice. “I would like to see your paperwork. Inmates, even voluntary ones, cannot leave the premises unless escorted by the MA or an exception has been granted.”

Closing my eyes, I forced myself to take one shaky breath through my nose then another. I didn’t want this. Ram, Advisor Crowe, I didn’t need to obey either of them. They’d zipped me up in a suitcase and were kidnapping me! Professor Garnet’s words echoed in my head: You must be your first ally. Care about yourself first, Aphy.

I couldn’t keep letting things happen to me.

“Help!” I screamed around the ball gag and started thrashing back and forth.

With a thump, the suitcase fell on its side. I groaned but called out again and again. It didn’t even sound like the word help, but I tried. Suddenly magic and the violent thump of fists hitting bodies blended in with my attempts at freedom. Blood dripped down my hands and ankles. It smeared on the clothing surrounding me and filled my nose with a metallic scent. I redoubled my screams and hit my head against the inside of the suitcase over and over.