Page 54 of Self Studies

“Right,” the woman suddenly said, looking right at me. “We’re starting late today because of you. Usually, that would be a rations penalty, but, as this is your first class.” She glared. “Don’t do it again.”

She gave me a pitying look. “I doubt anyone hasn’t seen your Mêler and doesn’t know who you are, so we shall skip the introductions.”

I jerked back and studied the dirt at her feet.

“I’m Coach Robin. Non-magical, through and through. GS stands for General Sports. No magical bullshit here. If I even suspect it, I’ll throw you out of class and take your rations for the rest of the day. Most of the world’s still non-magical, and your body’s still the same flesh and blood. I’m in charge of keeping you fit and instilling you with a drive for teamwork and every non-magical value that entails. Good luck, it looks like you are going to need it.” She turned and whistled. “Ram!”

I tried not to cringe as said mage obediently appeared. He looked like a massive meathead powerlifter in his GS uniform.

His gaze raked over my body before he turned to Coach Robin. “I’m here.”

Coach Robin rolled her eyes. “Obviously, stop leering.”

I struggled not to smile.

“She’s on your team,” Coach Robin said.

My smile fell, and Ram grinned triumphantly.

“We’re playing kickball today,” Coach Robin said, before turning to Ram. “Make sure she knows the rules and give me your assessment at the end of the day.”

Ram stood a little straighter. “Yes, Coach.”

When Ram tried to put his hand on my back, I shuffled forward so it couldn’t make contact. If he noticed, he didn’t comment. With a whirlwind of movement, the class split into four groups. As our group headed to the left, Ram pulled me aside and bellowed, “Alexa.”

A woman pulled away from a group of students. My breath caught in my throat as cold sweat sprang to life along my spine. I recognized the girl strutting toward us. The last time I saw her, she had a knife shoved between my lips.

The woman turned white and slowed when she noticed me. Ram narrowed his eyes. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her the rest of the way to his side. “Lover, this is Alexa.” He kissed the woman’s cheek before grinning at me. “You're to be playmates - when you join my harem.”

I couldn’t look away from Alexa. Ram’s words barely cut through my fear.

Ram paused, looking between the two of us. “Have the two of you met?”

“No, baby,” Alexa said quickly, side-eyeing me and shaking her head. “You need me to teach her how to play?”

“Yes,” Ram said slowly, still watching me.

I took a few deep breaths. My wobbly legs threatened to collapse. Suddenly Ram turned to Alexa. He rested his hand on her shoulder, and the woman seemed to brace herself for something.

“You went dragon hunting. Don’t deny it,” Ram said quietly.

He pulled Alexa close, and his hand moved from her shoulder to her breast. She bit her lips together as he squeezed her tit so hard his meaty hand shook. Sweat broke out on her forehead before Ram released her. “We’ll talk about it tonight - don’t fuck this up for me.”

Ram strode away from us, barking orders at the rest of our team. I stopped shaking. Although still my attacker, the woman in front of me didn’t look quite as frightening as she had in my memory. We eyed each other.

“Kickball,” Alexa said, her voice wavering slightly, “is pretty simple. What are you good at, physically?”

I wished I had my hoodie. “Nothing.”

The woman eyed me for another moment before cracking her neck. “Great. we’ll start with the outfield.” She paused and pursed her lips. “Look, Ram’s strong. Body, mind, magic. He has connections. Hook-ups. No cash, though, for when we get out of here.” She grimaced. “Beryl has cash. A lot of it. His bounty was hard to turn away from, though he’s dropped it. But, I shoulda known better.” Alexa rubbed her breast. “I messed up. Ram takes care of his own as long as they take care of him.”

Beryl’s bounty. The words bounced around in my head. Each time they hit my skull, they sunk in further. He’d said it was his fault, and he hadn’t been lying. He’d tried to have me harvested for my scales.

My stomach twisted.

“Ram’ll take care of ya.” Alexa gestured to me. “Fuck if I know why he wants you, but don’t be so fast to turn him down. It’s a good arrangement.”

I nodded, though I barely heard her words. My world spun. If the dragon had been anyone other than me, would Beryl have killed them? Had he already killed people?