I’d held it together all day. I needed to keep holding it together.
When I tried to pull away, Sapphire-Eyes loosened his grip but didn’t remove his arms. I ended up turning, my back still pressed against his chest.
Saffron’s stormy gaze focused on the mage above me. He moved toward us, his hands hovering around his waist as if ready for a fight. “She’s new, Beryl.”
Beryl’s breath tickled my ear. “Do you know Boy Scout?”
I nodded. “He’s my student liaison.”
“Is he now?” Beryl’s grip loosened on my waist.
My heart sank as he reluctantly released me and stepped away.
“Is this moving up or down for you, bro?” Beryl asked. He hooked one of his thumbs through his belt loop, looking completely unintimated by Saffron and the world.
Saffron stopped his advance and relaxed. “I’m unsure what you think you’re doing, but Aphrodite’s not available.”
Beryl picked up my wrist and looked at it.
My limp hand flopped around as he flipped it over and shook it playfully. “There’s no ring, no mage marks, no turn of the century dance card. Pretty sure you’re not a toy.” He shifted his focus to me and gave me a wink. “Although you’re letting me play with your wrist….”
I pulled my hand away and swatted at him. A grin tugged at my lips, despite my tears moments ago.
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” Saffron snapped.
A little crowd had stopped to watch the three of us. Dark uniforms and colorful ties filled the small entrance to the alcove.
Tension filled the air between Beryl and Saffron. I got the feeling this wasn’t their first confrontation.
“What is going on here?” Professor Garnet’s voice rolled over the little crowd as he pushed through it.
Although I’d just seen him in the meeting, my heart still beat a little faster. Smoldering red-rimmed eyes scanned my body. A gasp burst from my lips as heat from our magic transfer began to kindle in my core.
With Professor Garnet’s prodding, the students watching dispersed. The three mages formed a loose triangle around me. Beryl’s safety at my back, Saffron’s pure attraction at my front, and the raw power of Professor Garnet pulled at me from the left.
My magic boiled behind its barrier, heating my skin. I basked in their attention, but I didn’t want to choose. If Roisin said not to make friends, making enemies sounded worse. I hugged myself and dropped my gaze to the floor.
“Saffron, you’re off the hook for the evening,” Professor Garnet said after studying the situation. “You can pick her up for breakfast and testing tomorrow morning.”
Saffron’s frown deepened. “I was told not to let her out of my sight.”
I looked between Saffron and the Professor. Saffron shifted his weight back and forth in his wide stance. Opposite him, Professor Garnet’s tall, lean form almost floated. He moved to Saffron’s side and squeezed the younger mage’s shoulder. “I’m taking responsibility for her this evening. I know you didn’t want this, Saff, with Aptitudes this weekend.”
Saffron looked between us a few times before his suspicious gaze came to rest on me. I shook my head, not understanding why I suddenly seemed to be the one in trouble.
“I’m in control, Saff. Relax,” Professor Garnet added softly. “You're still off the hook tonight, but if you’re worried, you can bring food to my office. Give me thirty minutes.”
Saffron unclenched his fists. “I’ll see you both soon.”
Without another word, he turned and merged into the sea of students. His platinum blond locks disappeared.
“Do you want to go with the professor?” I could feel Beryl’s breath on the back of my neck as he softly asked.
It pulled me back to the moment. Although we’d not spoken about it, I somehow knew if I didn’t want to go, Beryl wouldn’t leave my side. I didn’t want to get him in trouble with a professor.
Drawing from his strength, I nodded.
Beryl wrapped his arms around me once more. “Good.” He kissed the side of my cheek before handing me a card. “Garnet’s a bit of a fairy. But, as much as I hate to admit it, he’s one of the better profs here. My digits,” Beryl motioned to the card now between my fingers. “Don’t make me lurk in doorways tomorrow.”