Page 102 of The Dommes

“Don’t be that way.” She pats me hard on the shoulder. “You take care of that sweet girl so she doesn’t run away screaming from you. I want no fewer than two grandkids. I want a grandson with the dark curls you used to have, and a granddaughter with blond locks like hers! I want mini-yous! Now, how you two go about that is up to your preferences. And science of course. Money will be no object!”

I’m going to throw up.

“I don’t think this is the best time to discuss this,” I say through gritted teeth. “If you only came here to talk about Kathleen, I’m afraid you picked a terribly poor time. I’m here to work.”

Standing up to your mother’s meddling is a dangerous thing. Especially when she has a reputation for being notoriously meddlesome. Just ask my father.

Just ask Kathleen, apparently!

My mother finally makes her grand exit a few minutes later, stopping to whisper something in my father’s ear. The man glances at me straight away, and I know it’s not good.

He gives me an apologetic look. He’s the only man who knows better than I do what a handful Carolyn Graham-Mathison can be. A handful of money, but a handful, nonetheless.

Once most of the company is gone, I steal some time to approach Kathleen and lightly touch her shoulder. She’s talking to her assistant before the girl goes home for the evening, so now is as good a time as any.

“See you later,” I whisper into her ear. Kathleen shudders beneath my breath, but she does not change the power in her voice as she speaks with those around her. Good. I prefer her like this when we’re in public.

We’re not leaving together. We’re having dinner separately, and then meeting at my place later. She needs to go home and change, anyway.

I sent her very specific instructions on what to wear again. What can I say? Part of being a Domme is dressing up your sub. Not everyone does that, but I get a kick out of it. Seeing her dressed up as I want her… it’s part of the fantasy, the eroticism.

Now it’s also a part of her training.

I go home, alone, after seeing Vivian off with her husband and kid who came to pick her up. Usually, I walk to The Ace since it isn’t too far away from my condo, but this morning it was raining so I brought my car.

Take-out is my dinner. While I eat, I run around my home, cleaning things up and attempting to set some ambiance. Kathleen is… delicate. Even when we weren’t being kinky, she was still hesitant when we had sex last time. So I need to step up my romantic game.

Just because I’m training her, pushing her boundaries, and turning her into a new person she’s never met before… doesn’t mean it can’t feel romantic!

More candles. More mood lighting. More of me fighting back my fantasies because I can’t stop thinking about her bending over my bed, pulling up her skirt and exposing her ass to me for a hard spanking.

The more I think about that, the more incensed I become. She needs to be punished.

She told my mother about us.

She needs to be punished.

Kathleen’s sitting in my living room, perched on the edge of the couch. She sat there on her own. I told you, she’s not wearing the collar yet. She doesn’t have to obey any commands under pain of just retribution.

I kinda wish she was.

She’s turned down a glass of wine. I ask her again if she wants one. It would be a good idea to have some alcohol to relax before we begin.

Instead, I’m doing all the relaxing.

Hey, I get it. I’m being myself. We’re in my home, on my turf. It’s Katie who has to psych herself up and get into the mood. So when I sit beside her and press my wineglass to her lips, urging her to have a sip, she finally relents.

I kiss her shoulder. Her bare shoulder.

She dressed as I asked. “Dress like you were doing a scene as a Domme.”

Kathleen’s black corset is stitched with bright red ribbons. It pushes up her breasts, and when she moves quickly, they jiggle in such an enticing way that I can barely restrain myself from kissing them. Black garters run down her legs and into a pair of lace-up boots. To my delight, her corset has an easy-access place where I can get to her wet slit without having to completely disrobe her or attempt to pull fabric out of the way so I can fuck her.

Her hair is up in that lovely twist. Immaculate. Stunning with tiny black beads laced between her strands of golden hair. Her long neck looks even longer without jewelry adorning it. Although she is wearing those dangling earrings, per my request. There’s something about them that is so regal.

It’s probably the way they jangled against her skin the last time I drove my fingers into her from behind. That’s going to happen again tonight. So help me…

What I love most is the low-cut jacket she’s wearing on top of all this. Any sub can look like she does in a corset. Yet it’s a Domme like her who is going to sport the tight, crisp fabric currently covering her. I know I said her shoulder was bare. That’s because during our time tonight I’ve already managed to pull down a part of the sleeve and kiss her perfumed skin.