Page 10 of The Dommes

Are you kidding me?

What are the odds that I’m leaning up against the same wall that Ira Mathison is currently slamming some other woman against? What are the damned odds? Since, you know, what I could use right now is listening to this happen. After seeing her get that kind of lavish attention. After what happened today.

After what happened over a decade ago.

“Come with me, please.” Gag. Gag! “Fuck me, Ira!”

I hear a smack. Based on Stephanie’s moans, I’m guessing she got spanked. Hard.

“Please! Give it to me! Harder!”

I’m standing here, listening to this while some woman I barely know is naked in front of me and rubbing her clit until I tell her to stop. At this point, I’m not going to. I’m too distracted. Stephanie May is begging for Ira to finish her off, and…

“Oh! Ohh!”

Stephanie isn’t the only one climaxing tonight. Suddenly Ira’s voice is there too.

“Fuck, Kathleen!”

I’m frozen against the wall. Stephanie’s moans subside. Grunts that I can only guess are Ira’s dissipate. It’s so quiet, I can’t even hear Fawn groaning on the bed.

“Who the fuck is Kathleen?”

Me. I’m Kathleen!

“I’m ready, Mistress.”

Fawn’s voice has blown me back into reality. “Did I tell you to speak?” I snap at her. I’m shaken. Fawn is staring at me. It’s silent on the other side of the wall.

Four people have been embarrassed.

I still can’t believe this is happening.

Ira Mathison.

Ira Mathison…

…Just said my name while having sex with a completely different woman.

“She’s nobody,” I hear Ira say. “Forgive me. I don’t know what happened.”

Me neither. All I know is that I heard something that I should have never heard. And now I’m trapped between wanting to run and wanting to pound on the wall and tell Ira to… to… I dunno. What do you say to that?

I’m here, Ira. I’m over here. Come finish what you started all those years ago.

I tell Fawn it’s not happening tonight. I grab my shit and leave Midnight, praying that I don’t run into Ira out in the main gallery. Thank God I don’t. We’re already way too embarrassed. Again.

We bring that out in one another.

Chapter 6


I’ve done fuck all with my weekend, although I had a pile of work I was supposed to look through. Not to mention the friend I was supposed to meet today for lunch.

Instead, I’m at my mom’s house, sitting at a chess table with my black pieces half-slaughtered and my mother’s white ones preening around the board as if it’s nothing.

“You’re awfully quiet.” My mother’s fingers touch a rook, but she quickly changes course by moving her bishop three spaces. She’s set herself up to go after my last remaining knight, but if I move it out of the way, I expose my queen.