“I can’t live without you either,” she murmured, cuddling closer. “I can’t even imagine what I would’ve done if something happened to you.”
“I’m careful, I promise,” he whispered, stroking her back and arms as he held her. “It’s been one hell of a day. Let’s get some rest.”
She nodded, turning to go inside, glancing over her shoulder at him with the smile that never ceased to light up his world. Even now, faced with such a huge loss, he couldn’t help but feel awe that she was here with him, able to share their pain with each other.
He moved toward her, hugging her around her waist. She stopped, wrapping her arms around his, smoothing her hands over the veins of his forearms.
“I love you,” he murmured, licking his mark on her neck. She shuddered, nodding. “I love you too.”
He squeezed his eyes shut, still unable to believe that, after all this time, she was finally with him, telling him everything he ever wanted to hear.
“After Dru’s funeral…” he started, trailing off as she looked up at him curiously. “Maybe we could officially get mated?”
The smile she gave him was sad. He felt panic well up inside of him that she would push him away, but she nodded, leaning up to press her lips to his.
“I wish he was here to see it.”
“He will be,” Cole murmured, holding her close. “He wouldn’t miss it.”
“True,” she chuckled, sniffling against his chest. “He always loved a good party.”
“Take as long as you need, my Lyta. I’ll wait for you.”
“I know,” she whispered, smiling.
Miles blinked his eyes open, confusion filling his mind.
Where am I?
There was darkness all around him, the sound of the sea nearby, but this cave was dry, safe from the water. Perplexed, he couldn’t understand how his night vision was failing him.
Slowly, he began feeling around himself. When he nudged something hard and cold, he yanked his hand back, his heart in his throat, terror filling him. After a few moments, he realized that it hadn’t moved. He reached back out toward it, pulling his phone from his pocket to help him see.
The light was blinding and he winced at the pain. Slowly peeking through, he waited for his eyes to get used to the brightness before he aimed the light at the object. It was… a sickle?
Confused, he reached out to it, but pulled his hand back right away. It exuded a coldness that chilled him to his bones. Looking around, he had the eerie feeling that he was being watched.
“Hello, child.”
Spinning, he aimed his phone around himself, meeting nothing but darkness. Emptiness.
“Finally, we have found you.”
“Who are you?” he yelled, trying his best to stay strong. Stay brave. While he felt himself start to shake, he cleared his throat. “Come out where I can see you!”
Panic was swamping him. If he was trapped and being held against his will, there wasn’t much he could do in defence. He had no weapons on him, and if this was some trick from another Werewolf, he knew he might not be able to win in a one-on-one fight.
“Calm now, child. We mean you no harm.”
Swallowing against the lump in his throat, his mouth parched, he moved forward into the dark.
“Do not try to run. You are safe here.”
Eyes narrowed, he realized that the voice was fainter now. He turned back to where the sickle lay on the floor and eased himself toward it.
“Do you not want what you asked us for?”