Page 61 of Crescent Warrior

The guilt in his tone made shame flush over Hippolyta’s skin.

“No, Dame. This isn’t your fault. I’ve known for years. Since I left Greece. It was the reason I left Greece. We… fought.” She looked away, not able to meet his eyes.

It took him a moment before he responded, his voice pensive. “Mates are a blessing, Lyta. I will not try to give you advice, because each situation is different, but I will say that each moment apart is a moment lost.”

Nodding, she gave him a tremulous smile. “I’m realizing that. We’re… trying to work it out.”

He chuffed out a small laugh, a tiny smile curling his lips. Even just a couple years back, before he met his mate, he wouldn’t have been so expressive.

“Trying. Of course. Each mating seems to have its own unique set of issues. I hope you can overcome yours, Lyta. It is one of my dearest wishes, for you to find the happiness you have been looking for.”

Tears sparkled to life in her eyes. She knew she hadn’t been happy. Damen mentioned it to her, cautiously, on many occasions. She denied it, pretending that all was fine and that he was seeing things that weren’t there.

She confided in Dru when she wasn’t able to bear the heartrending pain of being separated from her mate anymore. He was her confidante, along with his mate Iris, and she begged them to not tell anyone. They kept her secret, even from their sons.

“Have you marked him?” His question was quiet and he was clearly uncomfortable asking.

“Not yet,” she murmured, looking everywhere but directly at him. “I haven’t… I haven’t settled into the relationship yet.”

He nodded, reaching his hand out for hers. When she gave it to him, he squeezed it supportively. “I will stand by any decision you make, Lyta, but I hope you know that I have seen the same sadness in Cole that I see in you.”

She closed her eyes, pain crashing over her at the thought of him suffering the same way she did for years.

“If you need anything, please, do not hesitate to tell me.”

Smiling tremulously, she nodded, unable to speak. “What time do I have to be there for the hunt?”

Damen paused, considering. “I believe, under the circumstances, this is similar to a pack member finding a mate for the first time.”

She swallowed, shaking her head. “I can’t sit out the hunt, Damen.”

“You both can,” he smiled, quirking an eyebrow at her. “Talk things out, take as long as you need. I hope you will be able to tell the pack, eventually. For now, I will ask that they do not hunt near your home so they will not pick up on your mating scent.”

They both flushed red at that and he cleared his throat, wishing them well before leaving. She turned, leaning back on the closed door, letting the cool surface settle the butterflies in her stomach.

Her king knew they were a mated pair. Eventually, everyone would find out, but for now, they would have privacy. She was also acutely aware of how suspicious it would be if they were both missing from the hunts.

Eyeing the door to the bedroom, she saw it open, Cole filling the doorway with his shoulders. He still wore only a towel on his waist, but his face was serious and broody in that expression he always wore when there was a problem.

“Did you hear everything?” she whispered, tipping her head back to stare up at the ceiling instead of looking at his luscious body, bared in the towel.

His chest was packed with muscle, his stomach ribbed with a defined eight pack, twin lines running down either side of his hips, arrowing to the delicious cock she knew was underneath the soft cotton.

“Yes,” he murmured. “I don’t want you to feel pressured into agreeing to our mating just because Damen wants you to.”

“I don’t.” She shrugged, squeezing her eyes shut. When she felt him in front of her, his big body crowding her, a moan slipped past her lips. “Cole,” she tried, but even she heard the submission in her voice.

“Why haven’t you marked me, Lyta?” Her brow furrowed and she tried to turn away from him, but he wrapped his palm around her jaw, stilling her movement.

He didn’t even have to squeeze for her body to respond, becoming pliant in his hands, her wolf trying to bare her neck to him. She blinked her eyes open, and his eyes were bright and burning, intense in their focus. She swallowed, tightening her jaw. “I’m not ready.”

“Why?” He was demanding now, his gaze holding none of the softness it had before. Pain flashed in his eyes as he waited. “Just tell me.”

“I did!” she cried, straining to pull away from him, fighting her wolf, who was soft and supple in his arms. “I’m not…” she fought harder, struggling. “I’m not lying. Why can’t you accept that?”

Without another word, his eyes slid shut and he released her. She staggered where she stood, sliding to the floor, unable to hold herself up. Before she could fall, he scooped her into his arms, pressing gentle kisses to her hair.

She blinked away tears, stroking her fingers down his back as he carried her to her bedroom, unable to stop herself from touching him. Moaning low in the back of her throat, she fought to hold the words back from him.