Page 18 of Crescent Warrior

“Why didn’t you tell me that you and Cole used to be best friends?”

Hippolyta glanced at her quickly, searching her gaze. “Did he tell you that?”

Ambrosia nodded.

“Is that all he said?”

One of Ambrosia’s perfect brows swept upward. “Is there more to the story?”

Hippolyta shook her head, grabbing crusty bread and a small salad to add to the tray she was making for Dru. She turned to give it to Ambrosia, a tight smile on her face. “Can you take this to Theios Dru, please, Rosi?”

Ambrosia narrowed her eyes on Hippolyta’s face, but she avoided her gaze, ducking to start another tray for herself.

“Cole hasn’t eaten,” Ambrosia smirked. “Maybe you can make another bowl.”

Hippolyta turned to scowl at her, but she was already on her way out.

“This entire family is infuriating,” she muttered before taking her own meal out to the dining room. Steeling herself for an inquisition as she spotted Xander and Pearce, already seated, she sent them a chin nod that they returned.

“Did you pick up Cole?” Xander asked, taking a bite of his steak.

She nodded, not bothering to go into detail.

“Well, where the hell is he?” he grinned, leaning back in his chair. “The bastard never comes here. I always have to go to Greece to see him. The least he can do is share a meal now that he’s graced us with his presence.”

“You have to have more greens on that plate,” Hippolyta said instead.

Xander laughed, reaching out with his fork to steal a cucumber from her salad.

She smacked his hand, grinning at him with a quick roll of her eyes. “Why do I ever think you’ll grow up?” Just then, she felt the heat of a gaze on her and her smile dropped.

It’s him.

Looking down at her plate, she saw the others at the table stand, reaching out with hugs and cheers, kissing both Cole’s cheeks like they had missed him.

What would you even miss? That he’s an asshole? Yeah, we knew that already.

Annoyed, she started eating, trying to scarf down enough calories to get her through the training sessions she scheduled to ensure she was busy for the rest of her day.

Speaking of which…

She glanced up at Xander as he sat back down, still grinning at Cole.

“You’re due in the gym in thirty minutes. I wouldn’t be eating so much if I were you.”

Xander blanched. He was one of the stronger Werewolves in the pack, easily outmatching his older brothers, and she didn’t go easy on him. He had never beaten her in a fight yet and he knew better than to spar on a full stomach. One well-placed punch would mean an upchuck of epic proportions.

“Can I reschedule?” he whined, “Cole just got here! We have so much to catch up on.”

She leaned forward, resting her chin on her fist and fluttering her lashes at him. “Like how many times I’ve kicked your ass in training? That news already spread around the world by now.”

Pearce was cackling, slapping his brother across his back when Hippolyta turned her gaze his way. He sobered immediately and focused on his food. Xander groaned, leaning away from his plate.

“I’ll take your spot. I haven’t trained with Lyta yet,” Cole said quietly.

Xander looked at him like he was a God, clasping his hands in gratitude.

Hippolyta clenched her jaw. “I still have so much to work on with Xander. That’s fine.”