Page 76 of Crescent Warrior

She knew Damen didn’t want anyone to get hurt, but the new pack didn’t seem to care at all. She felt the bond deepen, their minds melding in the way it always did before a battle. There was no response from the other Werewolf. He made no move to transform to his human form.

There was only a snarl, teeth bared as he looked at Selene, his gaze focused. She felt Damen stiffen, a growl leaving his own throat at the attention of a male on his mate.

Damen transformed, his huge wolf form towering over all the others. Hippolyta watched curiously as the silver-eyed wolf assessed him from head to toe, glancing at Unknown and Alex for only a moment before lowering himself to his haunches, preparing to lunge forward.

Both packs waited, silence stretching across the expanse, no one moving an inch. Damen sent his strategy through their bond. He was asking Selene to stay near the back and only intervene if someone was hurt or needed help.

She wasn’t fully trained in combat yet and Hippolyta felt a weight of guilt press on her. She had been so distracted with her mate that she hadn’t focused on her queen at all.

The Elite warriors were ordered to spread out to the front, to protect the other wolves and ensure that they weren’t overwhelmed. Damen would lead the defense as usual, taking the brunt of the attack and guarding the pack as best as he could. Hippolyta, Ares, Cole, Castor, Pollux and Xander would flank him, whittling away at the heavy-hitters.

Settling nimbly on her paws, Hippolyta balanced herself, eyes narrowed at the other pack. There were more of them, but the wolves themselves, with the exception of the big one in the middle, weren’t nearly as large as the Lykourgos pack.

Readying herself, she glanced only once at Cole, watching as he settled in front of her, trying to protect her already. She let love for him seep into her mind, calming her even more.

We’ll get through this.

And when they did, she would let him know how wrong she had been.

Cole watched his mate, her stance confident and strong, trepidation running through him. He knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself, but seeing her facing off these many wolves made worry zing through him. The slightest mistake in battle could cost a warrior their life.

He watched her turn to look at him for a moment, her eyes shielding her emotions easily. His heart was still shattered from when she left, but there was no way he was going to give up on her.

He would give her some time, allow her pique to end, and then he would win her back. It didn’t matter how long it took. He would find a way to let her know that she was everything to him. Everything he could ever want and more.

Focusing on the opposing pack facing them, he lowered himself, adjusting his stance and preparing to protect his family. There was no way in hell that he could let anything happen to them now that he was so close to having his dreams come true.

He winced when, suddenly, Nicholas sent him a message across their bond, showing him images of staying down during battle if he fell. Confused, he glanced at him, but he wasn’t meeting his gaze.

Fuck that.

There was no way he would cower and hide while the others fought for him. At the same time, his cousin was never wrong. Finally turning his eery eyes in Cole’s direction, Nicholas conveyed a message of sadness and resignation. Confused, Cole returned his gaze to the opposing pack.

As one, they seemed to pour forward, their numbers making them falter for only a moment before they all lunged forward. Damen requested that their pack attack, but not kill, unless necessary. Cole was in complete agreement.

Eventually, they could possibly unite with this new pack, but that would never happen if too much blood was shed. He watched Damen rush forward, being hit by the heaviest hitters immediately. Knowing his king, though, he didn’t bother to intervene. His power was unmatched, almost an infinite well.

A light brown Werewolf jumped at Cole, trying to catch him around his throat, but he swung with the move, ensuring he only skimmed him with his teeth, barely a graze.

Slamming the wolf hard into a tree, he watched him sink to the floor. Satisfied, he glanced over at Hippolyta, watching as she faced off against a wolf that was almost as big as their leader, her fangs bared.

His wolf urged him to help her, but he knew she could handle it alone. Focusing ahead of him, he ran at the wolves circling, trying to find their weaknesses. Taking down two was easy. They were smaller than them and clearly not as battle-hardened.

The bite on his shoulder took him by surprise and he spun to see one of the scentless wolves—he wasn’t sure which—with their fangs buried in his flesh. Growling low and mean, he shook him off, allowing him to take a chunk of his flesh with him, his fangs dripping with blood as they faced each other again, circling.

Ignoring the pain, he studied his opponent, scoffing at the blatant weakness in his stance. His footing wasn’t stable, and with one quick shove, the wolf was toppled and Cole had him on his back. He bared his fangs, but felt himself get shoved off by the other scentless wolf.

Other put himself in front of Alex protectively. Cole flexed his shoulders, preparing to jump forward and bite into its throat when Nicholas stepped in front of him, blocking him from the wolves. Shock and betrayal flashed through him, but Alex didn’t hesitate, flashing its claws and digging into Nicholas’ flank, swiping deep.

It was clear now that Nicholas had lost his mind, so Cole shoved him aside, blocking him from the attack that came from both wolves. He took the brunt, falling as they clamped his side and leg, teeth digging in. A crunch sounded in his leg and he yelped, watching Nicholas’ sad eyes stare at him, almost whispering into his mind.

Stay down.

Confused, he did as his cousin asked him but he spotted another wolf running toward them. One he recognized instantly.


His uncle lunged at the wolf holding Cole’s leg, pulling him off. Both wolves spun on him, facing off as two more came behind. Panic flew through Cole’s mind and he tried to get up, but without warning, Nicholas pinned him, keeping him down, staring ahead at Dru, pain making its way across their shared bond. It was so intense it took Cole’s breath.