Page 67 of Crescent Warrior

“What happened?” he murmured, leaning forward to cradle her in his arms.

She stayed where she was, absorbing the comfort before slowly

pulling away, wiping her eyes and not looking at him.

“I’m going to go now,” she whispered, moving to stand. He seemed to be in shock, staring at her incredulously.

“Go where?” he demanded after a moment, standing as well.

“To the hunt.” Her voice was low and hoarse and she hated it. It made her seem weak and she hated that. It took her back to her years of separation from him. Maybe they were for the best. Those years eventually strengthened her as nothing else could have. “I have a duty to the pack.”

“Damen said we could have some time off,” he said, carefully, his voice soothing. “We agreed to spend some time alone together, didn’t we?”

“No.” She cleared her throat as her voice strengthened, the tremulous sound disappearing slowly. She reached her suitcase and opened it, yanking out the first thing she saw, pulling it on quicky. “You decided. And I don’t abide by anyone’s decisions but my king’s.”

He froze, staring at her in shock. “Lyta.” His voice was stern. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“You decided that we would spend time together, pretending to be mates.”

“Pretending to be mates?” The hurt was obvious in his tone, but she didn’t let herself waver. “Tell me what’s going on right now.”

She spun on him then, fully dressed and feeling stronger. She had been right the first time. The only thing that would come out of being with him was pain. Heartbreak.

She couldn’t do it again. She was broken enough already. She couldn’t take anymore. “You were right in the first place.” She wasn’t able to look him in the eye. “We’re not mates.”

“Stop it,” he growled, reaching out to grab her arm but she swung out against him, slapping the hand away even as her wolf howled in agony, sensing what she was doing. The pain was crippling now that she knew what being with him could be like, but his words seared her mind.

Whoever she’s going to mate is going to be very lucky.

“No,” she hissed, “you stop it. You keep acting like—” She swallowed, fighting against the pain in her chest. “Like I matter. We matter. When the only thing you’re feeling is the mating pull.”

He was staring at her like she had grown a second head, but she didn’t care.

She was fed up of pretending that everything he said was real. “You wouldn’t want me if we weren’t mated.”

His face softened and he reached for her, but she pulled her hand away, shaking her head, adamantly.

“No, it’s true. You said it when you were younger and you were right. We can’t keep pretending you aren’t.”

“I was an idiot,” he said hurriedly. “I was lying—”

“Stop.” Her voice was cold, final. “You’re lying now. I get it. Being stuck with someone you never picked for the rest of your life is fucking terrible.” She turned, facing her bag, zipping it quickly. “And you knew that. We tried it and it didn’t work. Now we can just move on and not wonder.”

“There’s no moving on,” he growled, right behind her.

She didn’t turn, grabbing her bag and going to the door instead, but he followed. When he grabbed her around the waist, she shoved her elbow back, hard, making him wheeze out a breath.

It gave her a bit of a head start, but he came after her anyway, wrapping his arms around her again. Her breath shuddered out of her, her wolf trying to slump into his hold. Instead, she spun, planting a firm hand on his chest.

“No.” The words were crisp and meaningful, heavy between them. “I don’t want this.”

She finally met his gaze and watched his heart shatter. The need to comfort him was strong, but she knew the only reason he was reacting this way was because he was forcing himself to accept their mating.

I’m freeing us both by doing this. He can’t hurt me and he’ll be free to pick whoever he wants.

The thought threatened to bring her to her knees, but she stayed standing, licking her parched lips as she turned with her bag toward the front door.

“Lyta.” his voice was hoarse, pleading.