Page 52 of Crescent Warrior

“I’ve always wanted to make out in a car,” she whispered against his skin, making sure to give him a squeeze.

“Gods, Lyta.” He pulled over to the side of the road, parking before turning to face her, gently unlatching her lips from his throat to reposition them against his own.

The loud honk made them both spin toward the car that pulled up next to them. Thankfully, the tint of the glass was dark. Hippolyta’s face was flaming as she saw Nyx leaning out of the window and tapping Cole’s.

He was breathing heavily, but shoved his fingers through his hair to smoothen anything her fingers had mussed. Then he lowered the glass, giving his cousin a dark look.

“What?” The word was gritted, his expression conveying his displeasure.

“Just wondering if you needed any help,” she called while Castor leaned forward to smile at him from the driver’s seat, his eyes twinkling. “Since you’re pulled over on the side of the road and all.”

Hippolyta didn’t think she could be more embarrassed, but then Castor’s mate, Penelope, leaned forward to wave at them.

“Kill me now,” she murmured, sinking into her seat.

“We’re fine. We were trying to figure out where we wanted to go first.”

“Decisions,” Castor called, a grin on his face. “Especially big ones. They take time.”

Cole just glared at him.

“Are you guys going somewhere?” Nyx’s voice was excited. “Can I come?”

She was already opening the door, and Hippolyta felt their plans falling apart, until Castor leaned over his daughter, closing the door and locking her in.

“Leave the adults alone, matia mou.”

“But I’m an adult!”

The scoffs from everyone except Hippolyta said everything.

“You guys suck,” Nyx huffed, settling back in her seat while Castor sent a last smirk at them before driving off. Penelope waved cheerfully from the backseat, winking.

“That wasn’t too humiliating,” she murmured, leaning her head back against the seat. She didn’t even have a moment to think before he was leaning over her, stealing another kiss.

Alex stretched, arching his back to work out the kinks, as he exited the airport, glancing around to find a taxi. He and Michael had finally landed and were about to make their way to the house Jason set up for them.

“You ready?” he asked his silent partner.

Michael nodded, looking around nervously. Alex knew he didn’t like being out in public, around this many people, but he couldn’t understand why. He moved forward, leading the way.

Grabbing Michael’s bag from his arm, he wasn’t prepared for it to be tugged back. He lifted a brow at him in query, but Michael just shook his head, keeping his bag with him.

Oddly enough, Michael packed even lighter than Alex, who was a frequent traveler. He carried one backpack while Alex had a duffel for the months they would be staying in Greece.

He wondered what was so important in there that he didn’t even want to let it go. There wasn’t anything that Alex himself felt like he couldn’t part with, but to each their own. With a quick shrug, he brushed it off and got into the car.

The drive to the villa they would be calling home was long, and Alex took the time to watch Michael. He knew from his reaction in the airplane that he never traveled before; he probably had never even been on a plane. His knuckles had been white as he gripped the arms of his seat. Now, his eyes swung all over the place, trying to take everything in.

“We’ll probably have some free time to do some exploring,” Alex said genially. “If you want to.”

At once, Michael shut down, his brow dropping and his focus turning to the bag in front of him. “No, we should concentrate on what Jason needs from us.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure even Jason doesn’t know what he needs,” Alex scoffed, lounging back in the seat and gazing out at the bright blue water they were driving past. “We’ll literally just be going into the wilderness to look for a needle in a haystack. Zero direction.”

Michael was quiet next to him, and Alex didn’t expect him to reply. So, when he murmured, “I don’t like being this far away from home,” he turned to stare at him incredulously.

Michael was looking out of the window, his brow furrowed and his hand rubbing across his chest, his other hand clutching the bag close to him.