The hope that flared in his chest would probably be crushed within an hour of their arrival since his mate was still not speaking to him, but there was only one thought floating in his head.
My Lyta is coming home.
112 years earlier
“They’re inseparable,” Aunt Phaedra laughed, shaking her head at Hippolyta and Cole as they arm wrestled on the floor.
Her husband, Kosmos, huffed out a breath, and Cole glanced at him, distractedly. Uncle Kosmos didn’t agree with their friendship, watching them closely, his protective instincts coming out in full force.
He didn’t need to worry, though. Cole and Hippolyta were best friends, nothing more, even though he wished it could be different. He loved her more than he ever loved anyone else, but one day, they would both meet their mates and things between them could never be the same.
Cole couldn’t understand why Kosmos didn’t just let them have the time they had left.
“Good thing you’re both staying in Greece,” her mother called.
Hippolyta turned to grin at her. “I know Uncle Dru wanted me to go, but how could I leave this poor little boy to himself?”
Cole huffed out a laugh, struggling harder to win. “And I suppose you thought you would be Damen’s new right hand when he takes the throne? A little fledgling who can’t beat me at arm wrestling?”
Her eyes gleamed as Phaedra laughed raucously.
“Make her angry to your own detriment, Cole.”
“She’s right. Now focus on what you’re doing or I’ll rip your arm off,” Hippolyta giggled, her eyes sparkling with mirth.
He grinned back, straining against her. They were both juvenile wolves, on the cusp of adulthood, only a couple decades each, and they were training in earnest to be allowed to join the ranks of the adult wolves.
“I see someone’s dreaming,” he scoffed, even though she could kick his ass on his best day. “Come now, Lyta. You can’t expect me to let you win just because you’re the first female Werewolf born ever. Try again.”
Her smile widened, “Poor Cole, are you jealous you aren’t special?”
“I’ll show you special,” he joked, reaching over with his other arm to tickle the space just above her collarbone. She howled with laughter, her arm weakening enough for him to win.
Standing triumphantly, he raised his arms in glee. Unprepared for the tackle that hit him straight in the stomach, all the air escaped him as he fell, cushioning their fall.
They were both laughing boisterously as Kosmos and Phaedra shook their heads, leaving to go help the others in the pack prepare for their trip. Hippolyta smirked down at him.
“Now who’s the winner?”
“More like the cheater.”
“Who cheated?” she gasped, pinching his side.
They were laughing as they rolled. When he finally pinned her, arms above her head, her eyes were sparkling again, and he had the mad urge to duck his head to kiss her like he saw mated couples do on countless occasions. Taking a deep breath, he lost his smile, clearing his throat and sitting up, dusting himself off.
“Are you admitting defeat?” she crowed, leaning over to wrap her arms around his neck.
He smirked, shoving her away. “Yes, my goddess.” He rolled his eyes, standing.
It was what she insisted he call her whenever she beat him at anything, which was often.
My goddess. How apt.
She stood as well, giving him a questioning look before shoving him and walking over to the table where her mother left water for them both. For the millionth time, he noticed that her clothes were fitting her differently, snugger on her breasts and hips. She was blossoming. Becoming a woman.
Soon, she would have a mate. The jealousy that sparked through him at the thought made his wolf raise its head in watchfulness. That should have warned him that he was getting in too deep with her, but he brushed it aside.
“Do you want to go to the beach tomorrow?” she called, bringing her mug over to share.