“The Irish will be,” another man said. “They’ve been seen all over your father’s businesses stirring up trouble recently. I’m sure you saw the reports. What can you do about that? You aren’t going to scare them away.”
She tossed her hair away from her face as she stared down the man across the table. I opened my mouth to speak, but she beat me to it. “Did my father scare them away?” she asked.
“No, but—”
“Then from where I’m sitting, that seems like an unreasonable expectation, doesn’t it?”
He huffed, his face reddening in embarrassment. “You’re a fucking mouthy bitch.”
I reached for the firearm at my hip, but Lilianna stood, leaning across the table. “If you want to defile me with words, I would have hoped you’d find something more creative than bitch.”
He stuttered, flustered by her immediate dismissal.
Lilianna, though, knew exactly how to show her power over the situation. She stared at him for just a moment before turning her attention away fully. It did two things. It showed that she didn’t fear him, and it demonstrated that she had power over the conversation. Not him.
I kept an eye on him, careful to note each of his motions. If he reached for a weapon, I would end it before the conflict even began.
Both Lilianna and I looked toward the voice. One of my men stood at the end of the conference table, and Lilianna observed as I nodded for him to continue.
“My family lives on the front, and it’s been dangerous. It’s dangerous for all of us. I know we’re working toward taking care of it.” He looked nervous about addressing me, but I didn’t soften. Most men had reservations about speaking to me. At least, the smart ones did. “I’ve been working day and night on recovery details and territory defense. I’m the one who leads the teams, but my family…they aren’t safe. Not there. I’ll continue my work for you, but I am requesting security for them.”
“I admire your dedication to the cause,” I said. “But I can’t set up a detail for one man’s family when we’re putting all our resources into defending our territory from this threat.”
He deflated.
“But,” I said as I considered a new thought. “I can spare a detail of men for all the family members of the men fighting in the front. I’ll block out a floor of hotel rooms for the families who need them. They will be free to stay there until this conflict ends. I’ll ensure the building is well-guarded day and night. It will motivate men like you to continue fighting, knowing their families are safe, correct?”
The man smiled, joy lighting his eyes.
“Yes, it will. I’ll spread the word.”
I glanced at Lilianna again.
“The men who fight for me will always have my protection,” I said. Her eyes softened, but I didn’t allow mine to.
“Can the same be said about your men, Lilianna?”
I shot my gaze across the table, but Lilianna replied quickly. “Yes,” she said. “If they are fighting for me, the same can be said for the men. I am loyal to those who are loyal to me.”
“I will never be loyal to a woman capo,” he spat, shooting out of his chair. “And I’ll make sure my men aren’t either. I don’t care how brutal you want us to believe you to be. You caused this problem by breaking your oath to the mafia in the first place. You won’t get a fucking thing from me.”
I’d been expecting it from the first moment he opened his mouth.
He reached for his gun, but I was faster. I drew my weapon and fired. He went down immediately as the shot echoed through the room. A glance at his lifeless wide eyes staring at the ceiling told me that I’d hit my mark.
“We’re not here to earn your trust. We’re here because you swore yourselves to the bloodline. You enter alive and leave dead. You knew your vows when you made them!” I shouted, waving my gun around to make my point. “Make this easier on all of us. If you plan to walk, do so now. I don’t want to waste any more bullets on traitors to our way of life today, but I will if I have to.” I looked over my shoulder and spat on the ground, making my disgust clear.
Nobody moved a muscle.
“Fucking good. We’re here to discuss this partnership between our people. You are all here to show your strengths to your new boss. You’re here to be useful to this alliance. Alessio and I have put all our other meetings on hold over the past six months, and there are important matters to discuss. Who among you if planning not to be useful in these meetings?”
Again, nobody stood.
“Who is the most efficient at getting the word out?” I asked.
Everyone glanced toward where Jay sat, and he made a noise of confirmation. “That would be me.”