One of his fingers moved up my side, sending chills across my skin.
“It does, but I can’t do this with you. Not yet. Not until I have a chance to think about this and talk to him.” I backtracked. “Maybe not him, but at least his grave. I—I need him to know that I didn’t forget about him, even after running away. I always loved him, and I won’t forget about him now, either.”
It would be better to have a body to bury there, but I couldn’t continue putting all my plans on hold. I needed to move forward, regardless of how difficult that would be.
I relaxed fully into Matteo’s chest as his arms wound around my waist. The New York skyline was in perfect view of the tub, and though there was an incredible beauty to it, I couldn’t shake the feeling that danger lurked around every corner these days. Danger and a million reasons not to stay.
But there was one reason to stay, and as he held me closely to him, I realized that it might be enough.
Chapter Eighteen
Lilianna Genovese
I ran a finger over the cool stone of my brother’s headstone.
Silas Genovese. Beloved brother, friend, and uncle.
I glanced over to my father’s stone beside it.
Alessio Genovese. Beloved father and grandfather.
The words meant nothing and everything all at once. Their headstones wouldn’t bring them back, but it would be something to remember them by. It would have to be enough for now. Maybe once we ended this feud with the Russians, we’d have a memorial for them. We’d allow them to be properly remembered.
It would be something to look forward to.
I looked over my shoulder at where Matteo stood at the top of the hill, staring down at the headstones. He looked a few inches to my right, and I turned my attention to the third one.
It was blank. Not a name, date, or engraving.
It was meant to be mine one day.
The ominous feeling of standing over my own headstone brought goosebumps to my arms, and I rubbed them away. I was here for a reason.
“Hi, Dad. Hi, Silas.” I cleared my throat, trying to remove the rising tightness there. “I haven’t talked to either of you in a really long time. Dad, I’m sorry for leaving you to deal with this entire situation. I didn’t realize it would cause such a problem for you. I really didn’t. I—I know this is my fault.”
I shook my head and took a deep breath as I felt the moisture building in my eyes. It was okay to cry. Right here and right now. In fact, the situation called for it.
“Dad, I’m sorry. That’s really all I have to say.”
We weren’t close, and talking to his grave felt cold. I didn’t feel genuine. He’d tried to force me into the mafia life for years, going as far as marrying me off as a breeder to solidify family ties and build an alliance. I didn’t think I could ever forgive him for that, but that didn’t matter. It wasn’t why I was here.
As I looked at Silas’s grave, I knew there was a lot more that needed to be said.
“Si,” I whispered, biting my lip and resting a hand on the cool stone there. “I miss you. Every day, the world feels a little colder without you here. Knowing you’re not a phone call away… well, it’s hard. I know we didn’t talk a lot in your final years, but knowing that you were there was a comfort. You were always there.”
So many memories of our childhood flashed through my mind.
“Like when Dad locked us out of the house during a snowstorm, and you climbed the roof to break into the study window,” I recalled with a teary smile. “Or when I fell off my bike and sprained my ankle, and you carried me four blocks home. Even into adulthood, you were always there. I locked my keys in my car, and you showed up within the hour. I thought I was being followed home, and you were there in less than ten minutes. You were always my protector and my best friend, and I’m going to miss you so damn much.” I sigh and tilt my head up to the sky for a moment.
“And I know your body isn’t even here,” I went on. “I’m talking to an empty piece of stone, and it probably doesn’t mean anything. But it’s all I have, and I need to talk to my big brother about this. Even if I’m not sure you’re listening up there.”
I looked over my shoulder again and found Matteo with his hands in his pockets as he waited out of earshot. He hadn’t questioned me once when I’d insisted on coming here. He hadn’t said no or tried to convince me otherwise.
“You were always my protector, and I know that’s why you didn’t want me involved with Matteo. He’s dangerous, and when I’m with him, there will always be risks. But I don’t think there’s anyone in the world I’d feel safer with, Si. You didn’t approve of my crush when we were kids, and I understand that. You didn’t want him coming near me. But things are different now, and I’m going to pursue this. I have to. Matteo is worth it.”
I exhaled sharply and continued. “He’s going to help me find the people responsible for your death, and we’re going to end this together. I promise you that, Silas. We’ll find them, and we’ll kill them. I know how precious real promises are in this line of business. People can’t be trusted, but I wanted to make sure you hear me and trust what I’m telling you.”
I pulled a small pocketknife out and opened it. I ground my teeth together before sliding the sharp blade across my skin. Blood welled there, and I held out my hand, squeezing it over the stone. “I swear I’ll get the revenge you’re owed, Silas. No matter what.”