"What for?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"For being human today," she murmured, "in your own twisted way."
Her words hit me harder than I expected, and I swallowed down the sudden dryness in my mouth. "No need to thank me."
Scarlet reached out, her soft hand touching my face. A gentle smile played on her lips before her eyes fluttered shut.
I watched her drift off, my mind racing. Yes, she was perfect - broken in her own dark way, just like me. She was the one. My mind was made up; there was no going back now.
As her breathing evened out, I knew the drug would keep her under for hours. It was time to set my plan in motion.
Iawoke in my bed, my head whirling like nobody's business and throbbing softly. The events of yesterday flooded back with startling clarity, and I let out a heavy sigh.
Cristian and I had shared our pain, our losses bringing us together in some dark, twisted way that I couldn't quite comprehend. He'd sat with me in that shower, the warm water cascading over us, holding me in such a way that all my hatred towards him had started to hinder, cracking like thin ice under the weight of our shared grief. And he'd said I was to be his, those words echoing in my mind with a mixture of fear and... something else I couldn't quite name. The intensity of it all left me breathless, unsure if I was ready to face another day in this new, unsettling reality.
His change had been obvious throughout the entire day yesterday, with how sweet and affectionate he'd been. It had thrown me completely off balance. It was as if I'd glimpsed another side of him, one that made my heart ache in ways I couldn't quite comprehend.
I rolled over, wincing at the familiar cramping in my abdomen. Great, just what I needed right now to add to the jumble of physical and emotional discomfort I was experiencing.
Ever since I'd gotten the IUD, my periods had been less frequent, but I'd been waiting for one to make its appearance.
Groaning, I sat up slowly, my head pounding harder from the aftermath of last night's drinks. The room spun slightly, and I closed my eyes, trying to steady myself. When I opened them again, I noticed a glass of water and some painkillers on the nightstand. Had Cristian left those for me?
The thought of his unexpected kindness made my stomach flutter in a way that had nothing to do with my period. I reached for the pills, grateful for the relief they'd bring, all while trying to reconcile this gentler version of Cristian with the monster I'd known before.
Great, I’d have to ask the guys for pads now.
I groaned, and the soft meow had me smiling as I lolled my head to the side.
Julian strode in with Kenny cradled in his arms, the gray tabby purring contentedly. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of the cat, his presence already soothing my discomfort. Julian's brown eyes met mine briefly as he entered, his angular features softening slightly when he noticed me awake. I wondered if he'd come to check on me or if it was just a coincidence that he'd brought Kenny by at that moment.
"Should get up, Cristian wants to take you out today," Julian stated as he sat on the edge of the bed.
"How much did I drink?" I mumbled, my tongue feeling like sandpaper in my mouth.
"Nearly two whole bottles through the movie and dinner, plus another one earlier in the day."
"Ugh." I pressed my palms against my eyes, trying to will away the headache.
"Don't worry, Cristian said he gave you water before bed, which you drank, so hopefully your headaches eases. Did you take the painkillers?" he asked, nodding at the pills and water on the bedside table.
"Yeah, but I still feel a bit yuck," I said with a slow bob of my head. That was a mistake as it throbbed harder. "And crampy," I added, wincing as another wave of discomfort hit me.
Julian's brow furrowed. "Crampy?"
I sighed, not really wanting to get into it. "Lady stuff."
"Oh." Julian nodded, understanding dawning on his face. He stood up, gently placing Kenny on the bed beside me. "I'll be back. Take Kenny, he'll help with the cramps."
I snorted, not sure how a cat could possibly help, but I didn't argue. As Julian left, I snuggled closer to Kenny, his warm, furry body pressed against my side. His purring vibrated through me, and I had to admit, it was oddly soothing.
Closing my eyes, I found my thoughts drifting to the three brothers. Something had changed, something big. The dynamics between us had shifted in ways I couldn't quite grasp. Cristian's vulnerability, Tyrone's unexpected kindness, and even Julian's quiet concern - it all felt surreal.
I drifted off, lulled by Kenny's purring and the residual effects of last night's alcohol and the painkillers finally kicking in. My consciousness ebbed and flowed, caught in that hazy space between sleep and wakefulness.