Page 10 of Enemy Mine

“Yes, sir.” He sat at the end of the bar, where Charlie was quick to serve him.

I swiftly moved through the pub to the private room. I’d arrived before my uncle and cousin, which wasn’t the norm, but I took advantage of it.

“Drink, sir?”

“Maple bourbon smash, please.”

Once the server left, I glanced at the menu. Pointless, since I knew everything on it, but if I sat and did nothing my mind would wander, and that wasn’t always a good thing.

A few minutes later, the server returned with my drink and as he left, Sean and Aine waltzed on in.

“How is it I beat you both here?” I placed the menu down, got up, and was immediately engulfed in a hug from Aine.

“Sorry, my fault. I was on my way out when my heel broke, and I had to get different shoes.”

Aine was stunning, smart, and a badass. Everything this family needed. I wished they’d see in her what I did.

Over the last three years, she and I had become close. Hell, the three of us were our own little family and each time I was with them, I relaxed. It wasn’t something that came easy to me, but I truly felt these two loved me.

“Well, far be it from me to stand in the way of footwear.” I laughed and shook my uncle’s hand from across the table.

“I stay out of the affairs of fashion.”

Uncle Sean ordered a scotch and soda, and Aine asked for Gaelic punch. Once we had our drinks and ordered our meals, I took a deep breath and began.


“Fred, before you start, Dad already talked to me.” I glanced at Sean, who shrugged. “He wanted to make this easy for you, and I understand why. You made a promise that I grasped at, knowing you really didn’t have control over it. No one in this family, or probably any family, would let a woman run things. You did your best to keep me involved, but you’d have to be blind not to see the prejudice every time I was in any meeting.”

“I’m sorry, Aine. I honestly believe you’re what this family needs, but it’s like they’d rather sink than thrive, and I don’t get it.”

She smiled sadly. “Misogyny, cuz.”

“Christopher Manos is openly gay, Poe is married to a man, and he has his fingers on the pulse of Haven Hart. Black runs an assassination ring and seduced a male barista, and they have three boys. Not one person bats an eye at that. I mention you, who happens to be blood, and they’re ready to war over it.”

Uncle Sean sighed. “There’s also the fact that you’re gay.”

“Do they know that? You said they didn’t.” I’d never uttered a word of it and if my father had told anyone prior to his death, I wasn’t made aware.

“I honestly don’t think they do, but I was thinking about it tonight, and I’m not so sure. Your father might have let some know. Maybe they do, Fred.” Sean furrowed his brows. “There’s a shift; I can feel it.”

Pursing my lips, I remembered what Aiden told me. “Aiden mentioned whispers. It was the main reason I thought if I had this talk and Aine stepped away, they’d leave it alone.”

“Not if they know you’re gay.” Aine lifted a brow. “I mean my fucking off will help, but these are not open-minded men we’re talking about, and this is not Haven Hart.”

Westford wasn’t far from Haven Hart, but it might as well have been on a completely different planet with how ignorant these Irish fucks were.

“Aine, I still need your advice. You have amazing insight, and I’d hate to lose any of that.”

She reached over and gripped my hand. “Fred, I’m always going to be here for you. All you need to do is pick up the phone. Also, weekly dinners—I am totally up for that, as you know. I’m not going anywhere…well, maybe. I think I should get away from Westford for a while.” She eyed Sean. “Dad and I have spoken about it, and to get some of the heat off you both, I was thinking about taking a vacation. For a few months, I’ll go see all the places I’ve always wanted to. When I return, we can see how things are. But the phone-call-away thing still applies.”

I hated that she felt the need to run, but if what Aiden said was true, I worried for her safety and this was probably for the best.

“You better send pictures. I sure would love to go with you.”

She chuckled. “Someday, Fred, I think you’ll get to fulfill your dreams. If anyone deserves it, you do.” With one last squeeze, she pulled her hand away.

Our food came out and we ate and laughed. Aine explained all the destinations and must-sees on her bucket list, and I sighed wistfully at her agenda. I was jealous. Funny how we each were living each other’s dreams.