She sat back, relaxing into the story.
“When he died, at the ripe old age of five thousand”—she winked—“his ashes were buried in the lands. Fae hoped from them, his gifts would flourish within nature and give us Willow in a tree or flower, something.”
“I’m guessing that never happened?”
She shook her head. “Nothing happened after his death. Never again were dreams more than mere dreams. Until you and Milo.”
Oh, I see where this is going. “Ah, but Milo and I aren’t fae.”
“We assumed because he was half fae that was where his dream magic derived. But perhaps not.”
“I have no Willow in my family.”
She pursed her lips. “But you were born in Eden Faire. He was buried in the overlap of the realms in what is known as Eden Faire to you.”
I scoffed because this was ridiculous. “Come on, how long ago did he die?”
“Had to be before I was born, and that’s over two hundred and fifty years.”
I turned my head so fast I saw stars. “You’re…that’s old.”
Finch laughed. “Thanks?”
“Don’t get sidetracked,” Daisy said. “Willow died over six hundred years ago.”
“And I’m not anywhere close to that age.”
“No.” She smirked. “But perhaps his magic still found its way to you.”
“Because of a dream?”
“Has it been just one, Easton? Have you ever had dreams in your life and something has happened? A strong gut feeling that told you to move one way and it saved your life or someone else’s?”
I swallowed because yes it had, but I’d never thought a damn thing of it.
“It has, hasn’t it?” She beamed, and Finch squeezed my hand.
“I’m a firefighter, Daisy. My gut is my most valuable weapon in a crunch. Yeah, I’ve wanted to go one way, but something would tell me to go left or right, and I did and it worked out.”
“And dreams?” Finch’s voice was just above a whisper.
“Nothing I can really remember I…” Shit.
“There.” Daisy pointed at me. “What did you remember?”
“This is ridiculous.”
“Easton, please.” Finch’s silver eyes pleaded.
“Fine. Once when I was like, ten, I had some dream I was playing by a train yard with my friend Denny. It was supposed to be abandoned, but we broke in and played. A train came and…I woke up before I saw anything. The next day he asked if I wanted to play at the train yard, and I told him no and said it wasn’t safe. We went swimming instead.”
“And?” Daisy quirked a brow.
“A day or two later, there was some railway malfunction and a train barreled through there…but it was days after Denny had wanted to go there.”
“Mmhmm…any others?” Daisy crossed her legs, looking much too pleased.
“Dammit. When I was a senior in high school. I dreamed there was a flood in the high school basement and I was down there with some old guy, and he told me to always make sure the outside door is unlocked. It was weird.”