Once I was situated, he tenderly checked over my burns.
“They’re not too bad.” I tried to pull away when he lifted the gauze a tiny bit, and a shooting pain slid up my arm.
“Mmhmm.” He bit his lip and glanced at me almost shyly. “I can take the pain away.”
“Like you did with Milo?” The whole experience was taking on a new meaning, knowing magic was real and nothing like David Copperfield or Houdini made you think it was.
I motioned with my good hand for him to do it. I was curious how it would work.
“Do I have to say ‘hurt me not’?”
He smirked. “Only if it helps.”
I gripped his hand that was closest, and his eyes met mine.
“Hurt me not, please.”
I hoped he understood what I was saying with those three words. So much more than taking away the pain, but I couldn’t bear him disappearing and causing me more pain unseen by anyone.
The whole situation was a mess, and I wasn’t sure whatever Finch was going to tell me would be received well, but the thought of him turning around and disappearing was a hurt I never wished to endure.
“I’ll try.”
He closed his eyes, and it was instantaneous. It was as if no fire had ever licked at my skin, and even though it didn’t look pretty, I felt nothing.
“There you go.” He released me but stood there.
“You’re something, Finch.” I cocked my head. “But what are you?”
“There are rules in place, and the consequences for breaking them are vicious. It’s why I could never tell you before.”
“And now you can?”
“Arachnis broke the rules, therefore leaving you vulnerable. According to my brother, you were supposed to die in that fire and because you didn’t, you’re a loose end.”
“Are you saying they want to kill me?” What the fuck?
“I’m saying my father’s side will, but my mother’s side will defend you.”
“Why would she do that? Defend me from what? Who are you?”
“I’m going to show you because I don’t know if you’d believe me if I told you. But not here, Easton. I can’t expose anyone else to it.”
“When you’re released I’ll come to you, and I promise you will see and hopefully understand what is going on.”
I hated waiting, despised thinking I was in danger…
“The kids.”
“Are being protected without even realizing it.”
How? It dawned on me just then. “Daisy.”
“You’re quick.” He chuckled.