Page 41 of Hurt Me Not

“Loving on a human. You’re not allowed!” she shrieked.

“When exactly did I break that rule? I’ve never uttered the words, and that is where the rule breaks.”

“It’s your heart, Finch. We all felt it tonight.” Blodwyn’s expression was soft but filled with worry.

“Do you deny that you love him?” Zephyr snapped the book shut and for the first time since being here, he looked up. Eyes the color of ice and an expression to match.

“I don’t owe any of you an explanation.”

Zephyr lifted one shoulder. “Perhaps not. But there are questions that need answers, and you’ve given us nothing to take with us. Father likely knew you’d be this way, and it’s why he ordered your return to stand before the court.”

“The court?” My stomach dropped. That was severe.

“Indeed.” Arachnis’s macabre chuckle was off-putting.

“I refuse.” I focused on Daisy, who nodded. I wasn’t sure I could refuse, but she’d have said otherwise if that was the case.

“You can’t refuse!” Amaris shouted once more. Seriously, she was a repugnant fae, and I’d have to bleach my breakfast bar after she got off it.

“Actually, he can.” Vesper stepped forward and Amaris, Arachnis, and Zephyr all glared at him. Vesper was brilliant and powerful. While the others were as well, Vesper was scary because he was also very smart. Everything he did was strategic, and if he said something it was always true.

“His word doesn’t supersede Father’s,” Arachnis hissed.

“Do you even read books?” Daisy snarked, earning her a middle finger from Arachnis.

“Finch technically hasn’t broken the rules that would force him to stand in front of the court. Feelings unspoken don’t break laws. Now, had he said the words, he’d have to argue his case to the court. Therefore, he can refuse to go, as the law is on his side and he is a prince.”

“You expect us to go back to our father and tell him Finch said no, and we didn’t bring him?” Arachnis sat up, his once-confident expression rancid and indignant.

Vesper crossed his arms over his chest. “You have no choice. The rules are ironclad.”

Arachnis rose from his seat and stalked toward Vesper. To Vesper’s credit, he didn’t shy away as Arachnis got in his face.

“I will enjoy greatly when my father stomps you into the ground. It’s only a matter of time until the word is given to dismantle your queen’s empire, and I’ll be the first one through the door.”

I peeked at Zephyr to see how Arachnis’s threat had landed with him. Besides a furrowed brow, there was nothing.

“Now, get out of my house.”

Arachnis’s head snapped in my direction. “You’ll die beside your brother.”

“Get. Out. Of. My. House. And if you come here again, I might show you why Father is never the one to come face-to-face and tell me he’s mad at me but instead sends you three.”

Amaris snorted. “It’s like being threatened by a kitten.”

“Move it.” Daisy slapped the breakfast bar, and Amaris slid off.

She stuck her tongue out as she left, and Arachnis followed without another word.

Zephyr was the last to go but before he left, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Love dooms us all, Brother. It will doom you too.”

I was off my game the rest of the night into the morning. Daisy was staying at my house, and Vesper and Blodwyn promised to stay vigilant.

Easton texted me and I ignored it. I’d made the promise that we’d go on a date and now I was terrified of what that meant and what it would lead to when I got up the nerve to actually go.

I needed time to think. I could have just told Easton that I was busy and I’d get him that info soon, but I was being a little bit of a coward.

So the next morning, I still hadn’t answered and he hadn’t nagged. I could have probably read into that a million ways, but I had work to get to.