Abigail blushes a little as she looks across the table at me.
“Looks like you made a new friend.” I wink across the room.
“You want to play in my room after you eat?” Bodie looks at her plate. “Hey, you’re not eating your pizza. Is it gross? You should eat the cheese. It’s the best. Way better than that one.”
Abigail smiles, shaking her head. “No, it’s not gross. I'm sorry. I was having so much fun talking to you that I forgot I had it in front of me.”
Bodie laughs. “You’re silly.”
Abigail takes a small bite, and I pick up my third slice of pizza and take a bite as well.
“Do you want to come play with me after you are done?” Bodie asks again. Guilt sets in as I remind myself he is okay as an only child.
“Maybe tomorrow night, okay Bodie Bear,” I answered for her.
Abigail's gaze darts to mine. What? Didn’t most dads have nicknames for their kids? Besides, it was already eight, and as much as I wanted Bodie and Abigail to bond, since they’d be seeing each other more than not over these past couple of weeks, I was exhausted from getting up early to catch our flight back home.
“Ugh, why not? I don’t have school tomorrow?” Bodie wines.
“Because I said so, and it’s been a long day. You need to take a bath and get to bed soon. Messing with the home insurance guys wore Daddy out today.”
“Aw, come on Dad. Please, can I at least watch a movie before bed?”
“No, not tonight,” I say sternly but not in an aggressive tone.
“Please.” He says, elongating the words.
“Bodie, don’t start with me.”
“Fine.” He huffs and crosses his arms.
“What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?” Abigail leans in to ask him.
Bodie taps his finger on his chin again. “French toast!” he says with a little jump in his chair.
“Okay, I’ll tell you what. If you do as you're told tonight, then in the morning, I’ll make you some delicious French toast.”
“With cinnamon?”
Abigail nods. “But that means you’ve got to get to bed because the sooner you sleep, the sooner you can get up, and I’ll be able to make them. And if you are really good, I’ll let you help me.”
“Yay!” Bodie gets up from his seat and jumps up and down.
“Okay, Bodie Bear. Go throw your plate away, and I’ll be up to help you brush your teeth in a minute.”
“Okay.” He says happily.
As soon as he’s out of sight, I look at Abigail. “Thanks, that could have gone on longer than I wanted.”
“No problem.” She says, looking down at her plate.
“Do you not like your pizza?” I ask. She ate half of one slice but the other was sitting untouched on her plate.
“No, it’s good. I’m just not that hungry.” She lifts her plate up and angles it toward me. “You want my other slice?”
I pick up my plate and hold it out for her to slide the pizza on. She takes another small bite of her pizza again, chewing slowly. I take another big bite. We sit in silence for a second before she asks,
“So what happened today exactly?”