“My, uh, my ex-husband lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. My son lives with him, and I live in a guest house in the backyard. Since Felix started playing hockey, I’ve been helping out as much as I can because Grant travels for his job. He’s a pilot for Delta. When he’s working, I stay in the main house or Felix stays in the little house with me. It’s a work in progress.”
“Oh, I see. I truly understand a work in progress. Vanessa and I had to work through a lot of things too. It takes a while to find your groove. How long have you been—no, I’m sorry. I’m nosy. What position does your son play?”
You’re an idiot, Spencer!
“No, it’s okay. Grant’s very much a part of my life, but he has hard feelings for how things shook out. Anyway, we’ve been divorced for seven years. He’s dating a really nice girl, but I think he’s gun-shy. I mean, I understand it, but you can only beat a dead horse for so long.”
I was really confused, but we turned into an alley, and Josh reached up to the sun visor and pressed a button, opening the garage door of Vani’s apartment building.
It took a minute, but then something occurred to me. “You, uh, you’re gay?”
Dear god, did my best friend not learn her lesson about being tied to a gay man? Jesus H. She’d already wasted twenty years of her life on me. I hoped she’d know better than to repeat herself.
“Uh, Dad. Why don’t you wait until we get to Mom’s. Josh, how’d Felix do in his game Sunday?” I did a double take as Josh slid into a spot near the elevator that had Vani’s apartment number on a post.
We all got out of the SUV, and Jay came around the front to where I was standing. “Look. Keep an open mind. He’s a great guy.”
“He seems like a nice guy, Jay, but he’s gay. Did you hear him say ex-husband?”
I stared at my son for a moment before he glanced away. I knew that look. “What do you know that I don’t?”
Nash grabbed my arm and led me to the elevator. “Come on, babe. Let’s go see Vani.” I grabbed my briefcase and the garment bag. With that, we took the elevator to the twenty-third floor.
Nash and I had been to Vani’s place a couple of times, and she’d been to our apartment a few times, so I knew which apartment was hers. It seemed Josh did too.
Josh rang the bell, and Vani immediately opened the door with a huge smile. “My guys!” She hugged Jay and Cole first and then she hugged Nash, giving him a kiss on the cheek. I was next with a kiss and a tight hug.
I pulled back. “Vani, you look fantastic. How have you been, love?”
“Come in. Come in.” I stepped inside and pushed my suitcase into Jay’s room. Nash and I were staying at the Marriott across the street, but we could check in later. I wanted to know what the hell was going on with that Josh guy.
“Mom, what are you cooking?” Jay sounded nervous, and I could see he was stalling.
“It’s not me. Josh made lasagna this afternoon while I was finishing up a closing. Tell me how Bermuda was, boys.” Vani was staring at Jay, and that answered my question about where they’d been.
“You guys went to Bermuda?” I sat at the dining room table Vani had in her small dining room.
“Seriously, Jay, you haven’t kept your father informed?” There was that mother bear I was used to seeing.
“They were busy with new jobs, and I thought it would be better to talk to them in person. How about you, Mom?”
Vanessa’s eyes moved to Josh, who came over and stood next to her. He wrapped his arm around her and stared at me. His face showed he was ready for battle, but I wasn’t trying to fight with him. I was protective when it came to Vani, sure. I loved her as I always would.
Vani stared at me. “You know I love you. You’re my best friend, but I had to take some time to figure out things for myself.” She stepped closer to me and touched my face. “You and me? We will always be family, and you know that.”
She stepped back, and Josh wrapped his arm around her with her coaxing. “Josh and I started working together on my first project. He’s an amazing contractor, and we hit it off immediately.”
I nodded and stared at them. Nash moved closer and touched my shoulder. “Spence, honey, I think Vani’s trying to tell you that she and Josh are in a relationship.”
My eyes moved from Jay to Cole to Nash. “Did you all know this? Why wasn’t I let in on the secret?”
Josh chuckled. “They’re all dancing around the truth, Senator. I’m a trans man. I met Vanessa at a house she was trying to sell. Her boss has worked with me before, and when Vanessa told him there was a problem with the kitchen, he contacted me. I’ve been a contractor for years, and I’m good at my job, but I’m not going to try to win you over. Vanessa and I are seeing each other, and she thought it was time we met.”
I was shocked. “You and Vani? You’re in a relationship?”
Josh chuckled. “Well, I’m trying, but I’m having a hard time getting around you.”
“Spence, let me talk to you in private.” Vanessa stepped closer and took my hand.