Page 52 of The Senator

I felt a touch to my chest and opened my eyes to see Nash standing over me. He looked exhausted, but he was there. I quickly sat up, noticing there was a blanket over me. The rocks glass and bottle of Glenfiddich I’d left on the coffee table were gone, which smacked of Vani, bless her heart.

“When did you get home?” The sun was starting to turn the purple sky to baby blue.

I pulled Nash on top of me and kissed him, not minding my morning breath at all. I wrapped my arms around him and held on for dear life. I was forty-five years old, and I was in love with a wonderful young guy. I had to get better about showing him.

Our tongues swirled as my hands landed on his gorgeous ass. He wrapped his arms around my neck, holding me tight as well. Having him with me was the best cure for the Christmas blues I’d ever seen.

After frantic kisses, Nash broke the seal of our lips and pulled back, offering me a sexy smile. “It’s just six thirty. Wanna go to your room?”

He was still wearing his winter coat, which made me smile. “Yeah. Let’s go, and it’s our room. Thank you for coming back.” I kissed him again.

Feeling him in my arms had turned my mood from shitty to giddy. As corny as it sounded in my head, it was the truth.

Nash pulled me up from the couch, and when I stood, he hugged me tightly, which sort of surprised me. I smirked as I kissed his neck. “You missed me?”

“Yeah, I did. Come on.” He dragged me down the hallway to the room we shared, closing the door and locking it after we were both inside.

I helped him out of his coat, throwing it on the chair in the corner. “How bad was the drive?” It had been steadily snowing all day and night, and the last time I’d looked at the weather report, the Weather Service was saying the roads down in southern Virginia were barely passable, which had me feeling guilty again for missing Nash’s Skype call.

“I’m so sorry I missed your Skype calls. Vani came home from the store, and I helped her carry in groceries. She saw Blaire and Mitch at the store as well.” It was a feeble excuse at best. I owed him more than that, but he didn’t seem interested in conversation.

“Don’t worry about it. Let’s go to bed. I want you to fuck me, Spencer.” Nash’s voice was demanding, which was unlike his usual easy-going demeanor. I stared at him and saw he was serious.

“Okay, but is something wrong?” His request to speak earlier in the day, and now his determination to have me fuck him had me more than a little worried. We were equal-opportunity lovers, but why it was suddenly important for me to top Nash had me worried. Was it the last bow before he left me behind?

We undressed each other quickly, my heart beating out of my chest with worry. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him what was going on, but I wasn’t about to be the one to ruin our time together.

Nash dropped onto the bed and pulled me with him, settling under me, which was a thrill. It would be the first time I’d topped him, and I prayed it wasn’t the last. “How would you like me?” Nash whispered as he studied my face.

I rested on my elbows, looking into his beautiful hazel eyes. “I wanna feast on that gorgeous ass, and then I wanna look into your beautiful eyes when I stake my claim.”

Nash chuckled. “Let’s take this to the shower first, Senator. Your plan sounds like there’s no need for debate.”

That comment made me laugh. I pulled him up with me, and we went into the master bathroom. I turned on the shower while Nash retrieved towels from the linen closet. Once the water was at the right temperature, I walked into the shower and motioned for him to join me. The little blush on his cheeks revved my engine perfectly.

I turned Nash toward the spray and stood behind him, whispering, “Why didn’t you wait to come home until tomorrow?”

“I was stupid to leave you guys in the first place. Jay’s gonna think whatever he wants about us, but I need you, Spence.” I hit the button on the dispenser for body wash.

Oh, I wasn’t about to deny him anything. I washed his back as he ducked his head under the spray. I slid my soapy fingers down his crack before I reached under and washed his balls and taint, feeling him relax a bit more.

I used the conditioner in the dispenser next to the body wash to loosen him a bit and turned him to rinse his ass. “Nash, love, is something wrong?”

He rinsed the shampoo from his hair. “No, Spence. I just… I want you to make me yours. I liked seeing my friends, but I belong here with you. I love you, and I want to feel you inside me.” His words were all I needed to hear.

We quickly finished our shower and dried off. I brushed my teeth, noticing Nash’s toothbrush was missing. I rinsed mine quickly and handed it to him, receiving a grin in return. I hung the towels over the rack and walked out of the bathroom to turn down the covers on the bed.

I turned off the ceiling light and turned on one of the bedside lamps so I could see his gorgeous naked body. Watching myself slide into him would be a dream come true.

Nash came out of the bathroom in all his naked glory, falling onto the bed with me. “I love you, Spencer, but if it’s too much for you to give up Vani and Jay, then tell me, and I’m gone.”

I’d started working my way between his legs, but I stopped. Clearly, we needed to have a discussion before we went any further.

“What the hell happened? Did those bikers do something to you? Are you okay?” I couldn’t imagine why he would want to leave me when I’d just found him.

“It’s nothing that can’t wait until later. Please, make love to me.” How could I deny him?

I reached into the nightstand and found the lube and a condom, hating the idea we needed to have anything between us. Nash was insistent because of his previous profession, but I was determined they’d be gone after the first of the year.